Ranma ½ (らんま½) is a Japanese anime series adapted from the manga of the same name by Rumiko Takahashi. The series was created by Studio Deen and aired weekly between April 15, 1989 and September 16, 1989 on Fuji Tv before being canceled due to low ratings. The series was repackaged and shown in a different time slot between October 20, 1989 and September 25, 1992 as Ranma ½ Nettōhen (らんま½ 熱闘編). In total, 161 episodes were aired. In North America, the series is known simply as "Ranma ½", and was released in Seven DVD box-sets by Viz Media. Each box set comprises a single season of the series.

Three movies were produced, Big Trouble in Nekonron, China on November 2, 1991; Nihao, My Concubine on August 1, 1992; and Team Ranma vs. The Legendary Phoenix on August 20, 1994. The first two movies are feature length, but the third was originally aired in theaters with two other movies: Ghost Sweeper Mikami and Heisei Dog Stories: Bow.

Following the ending of the TV series, 12 more episodes were released as OVA episodes, the earliest on December 7, 1993 and the twelve on June 4, 1996. In the Western release, the third movie was packaged along with the OVA episodes , as the ninth OVA episode, leading to confusion that it was an OVA itself.