
Air date: 11/12/90

Plucky shows up at the Looniversity's Animation Lab after He skipped every day until the last day which is today and has to make a short cartoon for the Film Festival.


Career Oppor-Toon-ities

Air date: 11/13/90

Buster and Babs teach us about having to work in order to get what we want.
Buster's Guide to Part-Time Jobs: In this instructional short, Buster gives us guidelines to find that certain good job, even if it as lousy as the Weenie Burger.
Working Pig: Hamton is given a job in a department store, but the manager starts him off in the toy department. If Hamton makes one good sale, he is promoted to the cleaning department which was the job of his dreams. of course, he has to get through the nightmare of spending one day in the toy department with that out-of-control shopper, Elmyra!
Falling to Pizzas: Calamity wants pizza but doesn't have enough money for a single slice, let alone a whole pizza. So he resorts to trying to stealing delivery pizzas from the fastest pizza delivery boy, Little Beeper.


Strange Tales of Weird Science

Air date: 11/14/90

It's sci-fi time when Buster and Babs present three science-fiction thrillers.
Scentimental Pig: A strange potion falls on Hamton which makes him smell good enough to eat, in a literal way. The whole neighborhood chases Hamton and even Plucky goes after him. But then the tables are turned when the potion falls on Plucky and everyone starts smelling him out...
Pit Bullied: Fed up with being chased by Furrball, Sweetie reprograms him to make him eat pit bulls! Sweetie might be out of the woods, but that doesn't mean Furrball is exactly out of her hair When he realizes what she has done and programs Arnold the pit bull into chasing Sweetie!
Duck in the Muck: Plucky's relaxing swim in his pond turns into a freakish nightmare when the animals (a two-headed frog) and his pond is polluted by Montana Max's Ice Cream Spoon Factory. Plucky then turns into The Toxic Revenger to wipe out Max's factory.


Inside Plucky Duck

Air date: 11/15/90

Buster and Babs go inside the brain of Plucky to see what makes him tick.
Bat's All Folks:This first 20-minute short features the evolution of Plucky as Bat Duck and his partner Decoy (Hamton in a lame disguise) as they fight crime.
Wild Takes Class: Plucky and Buster learn about wild takes, but Plucky wants more than what Bugs teaches him. He studies some expert takes and gets stuck as a giant eyeball! And what's even worse, it's school picture day! Plucky goes through some serious humiliation and Buster tells him that the only way that he can get out of an "eye-popping" situation is to just calm down.


The Acme Bowl

Air date: 11/16/90

Acme Loo has a winless season going into their big football game with arch-rival Perfecto Prep, the school's whose motto is literally: "We N Loose". Roderick and Danforth, those evil Perfecto kids, are so bent on victory that they get Plucky to sell the Acme playbook in exchange for a transfer to Perfecto. But is Plucky really this much a shifty duck?


Dating, Acme Acres Style

Air date: 11/19/90

Buster and Babs give us pointers on how to get a date with that special someone.
Buster's Guide to Dating: Buster gives us rules to how to get a date the right way by showing examples of how to respect others, the right clothes, and even importantly, meeting the date's parents!
Love Stinks: Calamity concocts a scheme to catch Little Beeper that involves tar and feathers. Of course, Calamity ends up in the icky mess and comes out looking like a skunk - and you all know what this means! Fifi is on the rampage!
Dream Date Game: Buster and Babs are still giving us lessons on dating until Max comes in yelling about how sappy this whole thing is. Max wants some action and danger, and Buster gives him just that when he makes Max a contestant on Dream Date Game, a cartoon parody of the classic Dating Game. Elmyra is the contestant and has a choice between Hamton, Plucky and Max; she can't keep her hands off Buster, who is the host. So Babs slips Max in a bunny disguise so Elmyra can go chasing him!


Looniversity Days

Air date: 11/20/90

Buster and Babs, in song, gives us a tour of a typical day at Acme Looniversity.
The Learning Principal: Buster gets sent to the principal's office by Yosemite Sam, and his friends are afraid that he is going to be done for, all to get his brand new stereo system. Buster meets the principal, which is a big head and he discovers that Bugs was actually controlling the head. Bugs gives him some timely advice and he goes back to Sam's class and proves himself to be a good student.
Eating Between the Lines: Sweetie chases Bookworm throughout many famous books and stories in the Looniversity library.
What's Up, Nurse? Plucky tries to get out of Foghorn's pop quiz by pretending to be sick. Of course, he ends up in the hospital where he is given the worst treatment by Nurse Elmyra! This makes him think twice about pretending to be sick during school.


Best O' Plucky Duck Day

Air date: 11/12/90

Plucky is finally given three stories all about him in this episode.
One Minute 'Til Three: Granny is teaching a lesson and asks the class hard questions. Plucky hopes and prays that the clock makes it to 3:00 so class can be over because it's Friday and so that he can have fun over the weekend. Plus, he doesn't want to be called on and give a wrong answer so Granny can give him a thousand-page term paper for not paying attention.
Sticky Feathers Duck: Plucky get Hamton to go along with him to steal an Acme Super Duper Munch 'n Crunch Bar (with almonds). When they actually pull it off, they fight over who is to eat the forbidden candy. The candy bar then turns into a monster that gets Plucky and Hamton to confess to the storekeeper what they did. The storekeeper gives them a piece of advice "If you too ever come back in here again, I'm calling the police!"
Duck in the Dark: Plucky spends a night at Buster's house and spends the entire evening looking at a lot of horror movies. Buster tells him that too much can give him nightmares, but Plucky doesn't believe him until he actually has horror movie nightmares!