Radio Bart

Air date: 1/9/92

For his birthday, Bart gets a microphone which he uses to play pranks, including convincing the Flanders boys that he is God. He wins the sympathy of the whole town and well-meaning celebrities including Sting, by pretending to be a boy who fell in a well. Then Bart actually falls in the well and nobody cares.


Lisa the Greek

Air date: 1/23/92

Homer discovers that Lisa has an incredible knack for picking football winners, which he exploits with Moe the bookie. When Homer doubts if Lisa loves him, he decides the result of the upcoming Super Bowl will tell the tale. After a typically hokey half-time show, Homer is pleased to discover that Lisa's pick is on the money and her love is true.


Homer Alone

Air date: 2/6/92

After a particularity trying morning, Marge has a breakdown and stops her car on a bridge. The family gets her a trip to Rancho Relaxo, a local spa, leaving Bart and Lisa with Patty and Selma and Maggie with Homer – who almost immediately loses her.


Homer the Lover

Air date: 2/13/92

A yo-yo craze hits Springfield Elementary, affecting no one more than Bart. When Mrs. Krabapple takes his yo-yo and places him in detention, Bart gets back at her by answering her personal ad as a perfect – but ficitous – lover. After standing Mrs. K up, however, Bart feels remorse and he enlists the family's help in letting her down easy. Meanwhile, Homer attempts to cure his foul mouth by means of a swear jar.


Homer at the Bat

Air date: 2/20/92

With a homemade baseball bat, Homer rules the company softball team – until Mr. Burns, to win a bet, decides to hire ringers. He recruits professional baseball players who each fall victim to misfortune, leaving the game in Homer's hands (and head).


Separate Vocations

Air date: 2/27/92

Scholastic tests show that Lisa will not be the saxophone player she dreams of becoming, while Bart has a great aptitude for being a cop. He goes on a ride-a-long and becomes a hall monitor, where he takes the rap for Lisa, whose disappointment has led her to pull pranks on the teachers of Springfield Elementary.