The Oblongs is an American animated television program loosely based on a series of characters introduced in creator Angus Oblong's picture-book entitled Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children. The show was produced by Film Roman, Random House, Jobsite Productions and Mohawk Productions, Inc. in association with Warner Bros. Television, and the theme song for the show was composed and performed by They Might Be Giants.

The show focuses on the antics of a family who live in a poor valley community and as a result of pollution and radiation exposure are all disabled or deformed. The pollution is the direct result of the lavish lifestyle of the rich community known as "The Hills", whose residents exploit and harm the valley residents with absolutely no regard for their safety or well-being.

On July 22, 2008 Angus Oblong revealed, on his Myspace blog, that he was working on a special 2 part straight to DVD Halloween episode of The Oblongs, and also said that he will ask Will Ferrell to reprise his role as the voice of Bob Oblong, but does not expect him to return[1]. It's presently unknown if he will or not. Recently Angus Oblong said new episodes of The Oblongs will return to Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim. Adult Swim stated on July 4th, 2010 that they asked studios to produce new episodes and "some said yes, some said no".