Millionaire Astro

Air date: 1/6/63

Astro, née "Tralfaz," is caught in a custody battle between the Jetsons and millionaire J.P. Gottrockets.


The Little Man

Air date: 1/13/63

George is shrunk down to six inches high in a machine for shrinking and enlarging parcels. When he tries to re-enlarge himself he finds out the machine is broken and needs a new cog, which is only made by Cogswell Cogs. George sneaks into the Cogswell plant to steal a new cog. He is caught by Mr. Cogswell under a glass, but escapes. He takes a cog and installs it in the machine and re-enlarges himself.


Las Venus

Air date: 12/16/62

On his second honeymoon, George divides his time between taking Jane out and wooing a big sprocket contract.


Jane's Driving Lesson

Air date: 1/20/63

Jane wants to take driving lessons while egging George into buying a second car, and unwittingly (and unknowingly) becomes Knuckles Nuclear's moll.


G.I. Jetson

Air date: 1/27/63

George, Henry Orbit, and Mr. Spacely are drafted into a two-week stint in the U.S. Space Guard; George finds himself under the command of his mortal enemy "Sgt." Uniblab!


Miss Solar System

Air date: 2/3/63

Jane enters a beauty pageant to prove to her husband that she is just as beautiful as Gina Lolajupiter.


TV or Not TV

Air date: 2/24/63

When George and Astro witness the shooting of a crime TV show called "The Naked Planet" (take on The Naked City), they think they've witnessed a real robbery and go into hiding to keep from being shot for knowing too much.