A Man about the House

Air date: 3/15/77

Brunette Janet, who works in a florist shop, and Chrissy, a guileless blonde typist, find Jack asleep in their bathtub following a party for their ex-roommate. The two girls, who lack culinary skills, decide to share the apartment and expenses with Jack when they learn he is studying to be a gourmet chef. But first they have to find a way to over come objections from their landlords, Stanley and Helen Roper, a romantically frustrated couple who live downstairs.


And Mother Makes Four

Air date: 3/24/77

While Jack Tripper is moving in to share the apartment with Janet and Chrissy, Mrs. Snow, Chrissy's mother, phones to announce that she will be there in moments. Chrissy, whose father is a minister, panics at the news that her mother is coming. Janet is elected to take Jack to the local pub and keep him there until Mrs. Snow departs. As the evening lengthens, Chrissy's mom decides to spend the night.


Roper's Niece

Air date: 3/31/77

When Mrs. Roper accuses Mr. Roper of showing his visiting niece Karen a boring time, Roper decides to introduce Karen to Jack. Meanwhile Jack is involved in organizing a birthday celebration for Janet, so when Roper suggests to Jack that he would like Jack to take his niece out, Jack refuses. He says he couldn't leave Janet on her birthday, and when Roper leaves, he also admits to Janet and Chrissy that he can imagine what any niece of Roper's would look like. But when Roper brings Karen to meet Jack, he is surprised to find she is beautiful. He asks Karen out and. tells Janet and Chrissy he'll be back in time for the party. When he isn't, Janet and Chrissy are angry, then realize that they are actually jealous.


No Children, No Dogs

Air date: 4/7/77

When Jack brings home a puppy, roommates Janet and Chrissy remind him that landlord Stanley Roper doesn't allow pets on the premises. While the three tenants try to hide the puppy from Mr. Roper, Jack fails in attempts to give the little pooch away. Then Chrissy gets an idea when Mrs. Roper mentions that her husband will forget their approaching 20th wedding anniversary.


Jack the Giant Killer

Air date: 4/14/77

While Janet, Chrissy and Jack are taking a break from weekend chores at the Regal Beagle pub, Jeff, a large chap, approaches their table to make a rude play for Chrissy. His size intimidates Jack. The situation becomes more embarrassing for Jack when the Ropers drop in and Roper ill tempered from a toothache, puts Jeff in his place. But Jack feels he may have acted cowardly by avoiding a fight.


It's Only Money

Air date: 4/21/77

Jack, Janet and Chrissy, believing a burglar has stolen their rent money frantically try to avoid landlord Stanley Roper until they can replace it. After Jack and Janet find their apartment door unlocked and the cash missing, Chrissy arrives and insists that she left the envelope containing the rent money on a shelf. Jack calls the police. While the three roommates worry about trying to get a loan, Mrs. Roper convinces her husband to invite them out to dinner.