Miss Popularity

Air date: 12/21/73

To win the title of her school's Most Popular Girl competition, Jan makes a host of promises to her friends. When she wins the competition, she fails to make good on the promises and becomes an insufferable snob. Realizing she is losing her friends, Jan sets out to right her wrongs.


Kelly's Kids

Air date: 1/4/74

A couple name Ken and Kathy, who are friends of Carol and Mike, plan to adopt a young man name Matt from a local orphanage, then by chance adopting the young man's two best friends; Dwayne who just happens to be of African American descent and Steve who just happens to be of Asian descent, much to the chagrin of the Kelly family's bigoted neighbor Mrs. Payne.


The Driver's Seat

Air date: 1/11/74

After a nervous non-start at her first driver's examination, Marcia gets her license on her second try, and is soon engaged in a debate with Greg over which gender has the better driving abilities. To put their argument to rest, Mike creates a driving course for them both to run. Greg gets over-anxious and loses to Marcia.


Out of This World

Air date: 1/18/74

Bobby and Peter, on the night after meeting astronaut Brigadier General James McDivitt in person, are convinced they've seen a UFO hover above their backyard then disappear, but it's only Greg playing a practical joke on his gullible brothers. The next day, Bobby and Peter tell the rest of the Bradys about the "UFO", and are excited to tell everyone at school about it. When Bobby and Peter come home from school, Peter complains no one at his school believes him about the "UFO", and Bobby complains he got laughed at by everyone at his school about the "UFO" as well. When Bobby and Peter request they need proof about the "UFO", Carol agrees to lend them her camera while Mike reluctantly agrees to let them camp out in the backyard. While Bobby and Peter camp out in the backyard, the "UFO" finally reappears as they both start taking photos, then tell Carol and Mike about it, but they're both sent straight to bed. While in bed, Bobby dreams about a UFO landing in the backyard with two space aliens Herlo and Shim climbing off board, they both let Bobby take photos as proof of their presence on earth, then invite Bobby to climb on board with them to visit their home planet of Kaplutis. The following day, Bobby, Peter, and Carol develop the "UFO" photos in the laundry room, then show them to Mike. After taking a look at the "UFO" photos, Mike calls the Air Force, they instead send a Captain James McGregor of the local police force out to the Brady home to investigate. With local police Captain James McGregor in the picture, Greg is forced to admit to the truth, then ends up losing the use of the car for the entire weekend.


Welcome Aboard

Air date: 1/25/74

Carol's nephew, the Brady kids' Cousin Oliver, the son of Pauline and Jack, comes to live with the Bradys while his parents go to South America, and nearly wears out his welcome when he is involved in a series of minor accidents in his eagerness to help out. The Bradys seem to gain good-natured revenge on rotten luck when they visit a movie studio, where they all appear as extras in a 1920s-style slapstick movie.