Marcia Gets Creamed

Air date: 10/26/73

Marcia, Peter, and Jan all get jobs at a local ice cream shop, each with varying results. Marcia's hired first, then Mr. Haskell wants to start taking afternoons off, so he puts Marcia in charge and hires Peter. Unfortunately, Peter starts goofing off; taking an ice cream break when he's supposed to be wiping down the rest of the counter, sweeping junk under one of the tables when he should have had a dustpan on the ready in the first place prompting Marcia to have to take over all the rest of the sweeping, making personal phone calls all afternoon and goofing off when he's supposed to be helping Marcia dust under the shelves. Finally, after three days of Peter goofing off, Marcia promptly stops what she's doing, marches straight on over towards him, turns off his radio while he was in the middle of listening to some sort of sporting event, and just simply fires him. Meanwhile, Marcia's boyfriend Jeff wants to spend more time with her, "business before pleasure" is all she can possibly tell him, because of her rather hectic schedule. Back at the ice cream shop, Marcia fills Mr. Haskell in on what happened about Peter, she also offers, on Mr. Haskell's behalf, about possibly having Jan hired as Peter's replacement, Mr. Haskell agrees, hires her, and she proves to be the complete opposite of Peter. At one point, just as Marcia's boyfriend Jeff comes into the ice cream shop with another young lady at his disposal only to get even with Marcia only because all he ever hears from Marcia is "business before pleasure" to his wanting to spend more time with Marcia, Marcia responds in seething humility by squirting Jeff and that other young lady with the whipped cream only to get even with Jeff as well, out of embarrassment Jeff and that other young lady promptly leave the ice cream shop. After a couple of days or so, Mr. Haskell realizes he's much happier running the shop than he is taking afternoons off, and decides to let Marcia go in favor of keeping the harder working Jan on the job. Although Marcia is at odds with Jan over being let go from the ice cream shop as Carol and Mike just barely manage to calm both of them down, Marcia's boyfriend Jeff calls, and after settling things between one another, Marcia realizes she has plenty of time for Jeff after all, and then Peter surprises everyone with a new job he got at a local pizza parlor.


My Brother's Keeper

Air date: 11/2/73

Bobby saves Peter from being struck by a falling ladder in their backyard. Peter, grateful to Bobby for saving his life, offers to become Bobby's "servant for life". Bobby takes advantage of the situation, forcing Peter to do Bobby's chores, clean his shoes, and clean up after him. Peter soon regrets his offer, and quits his job as Bobby's servant. Not only does the feud between Peter and Bobby cause Bobby to tape a line across the middle of their shared bedroom, it eventually causes Bobby to storm out of their shared bedroom, on the way into the bathroom which of course happens to be on Bobby's side of their shared bedroom, and just to flush the toilet only out of spite. After Peter rescues Bobby, who is accidentally locked in their bedroom closet for a time, Peter and Bobby finally bury the hatchet.


Quarterback Sneak

Air date: 11/9/73

A rival high school quarterback named Jerry Rogers feigns interest in Marcia, as part of a ploy to get at the Westdale High School football team's playbook. When Greg tries to warn Marcia about her new boyfriend, Bobby backs Greg's story when he sees Jerry try to steal the team's playbook. Eventually, when Greg devises a phony playbook, he convinces Marcia to invite Jerry over, this time, when Marcia finds out Jerry's ulterior motive was only to steal the phony playbook, she immediately breaks up with him. Mike later counsels Greg about how his deception was just as dishonest as Jerry's stealing the phony playbook and tells him to correct things. In the end, Jerry's coach finds out about the theft of the phony playbook and suspends him. Also, Carol is visited by her wildly egomaniacal high school sweetheart, Tank Gates.


Try, Try Again

Air date: 11/16/73

When she finds she simply has no talent as a ballet dancer, Jan tries to find something she is good at. Jan tries both tap dancing, and acting, but fails at both. However, while "acting" as a painter, one of Jan's teachers realizes her artistic talent, and Jan finds her niche as a painter.


The Cincinnati Kids

Air date: 11/23/73

The Bradys travel to Kings Island amusement park in Mason near Cincinnati, Ohio, where Mike's company hopes to win the contract to build an addition. The hopes are mislaid when Jan unknowingly walks off with the plans, leaving Mike with her poster of Yogi Bear. The family furiously scrambles to retrace their steps and rush the plans to Mike and his clients before the 1 p.m. deadline. Jan finds the sketches, and the family returns the plans to Mike and the park's board of directors in the nick of time.


The Elopement

Air date: 12/7/73

When Jan and Marcia overhear Alice and Sam speaking about elopement, they mistakenly believe that the two are going to elope. The family begins to prepare for a wedding reception, while Carol begins interviewing a replacement housekeeper for Alice's honeymoon. In actuality, Sam and Alice were referring to a cousin's elopement, and reveal the misunderstanding at the reception.