The Treasure of Sierra Avenue

Air date: 11/6/70

The boys discover a wallet containing $1,100 in a vacant lot. The girls want a share of the found money, and the boys refuse, causing both sides of the Brady family to be at odds. Mike and Carol tell the kids that they must turn the wallet in to the police. In the process, the boys learn that honesty and integrity are more important in life than "finders keepers”.


A Fistful of Reasons

Air date: 11/13/70

A bully named Buddy Hinton taunts Cindy because of her lisp - "Baby talk, baby talk, it's a wonder you can walk." - leading Peter to stick up for his youngest sister, which in turn leads him to getting a black eye. The family tries to convince Peter to try to talk some sense in Buddy, but he's only interested in fighting. Just as Mike is unable to get anywhere with Mr. Ralph Hinton, Carol is unable to get anywhere with Mrs. Hinton, then they tell Peter he may need to fight Buddy to stick up for Cindy, which results in Buddy being given a "looth" tooth by Peter.


The Not-So-Ugly Duckling

Air date: 11/20/70

When her crush on classmate Clark Tyson is unrequited, Jan spots a glass from across the room and makes up a new boyfriend, "George Glass". Her parents' suspicions are confirmed when the family's efforts to locate "George Glass" for a surprise party for Jan are unsuccessful. Carol soon realizes that Jan's tomboyish clothing is the reason Clark isn't really interested in her. In the end, Clark and Jan hit it off, and "George" is a part of Jan's past.


The Tattle-Tale

Air date: 12/4/70

Cindy's tattling frustrates her entire family, then things come to a head when her comments, while she was on the phone with Sam, about Alice hugging the postal carrier inadvertently cause an eventual spat between Alice and Sam. In the subplot, Alice enters a jingle contest and wins a stereo system, which gets placed in the family room.


What Goes Up...

Air date: 12/11/70

Bobby convinced Peter and Peter's friends to enter their treehouse. After he falls from the treehouse, Bobby becomes scared of heights. Mike, Carol, and the Bradys then set about working to help him overcome this new problem. Bobby's fear is cured when he is forced to rescue his pet parakeet.


Confessions, Confessions

Air date: 12/18/70

Peter fears he will be grounded and not be allowed to go on an upcoming camping trip after disobeying Carol's admonitions - Bobby Brady: "She always says, 'Don't play ball in the house.'" - and breaking her favorite vase. When the girls happen upon the boys, who have all three pieces of the broken vase in plain view, all six kids keep it secret amongst themselves. When Mike comes home shouting out Carol's name across the house, Cindy spots him with a bouquet of flowers, then tells both Jan and Marcia. While Cindy is being asked to guard all the broken pieces, both Jan and Marcia happily run up to greet Mike, and offer to set the bouquet of flowers in a vase. Meanwhile, the boys are at a local hardware store, buying some glue to repair the broken vase with. When Carol happens upon the boys during her errands, this very nearly blows their cover, particularly when they resort to telling Carol they're just at the local hardware store, buying a corn popper for Peter's camping trip. Another close call occurs when the hardware store clerk hands the boys their glue, already placed in a rather tiny paper bag, fortunately for the boys, the hardware store clerk never says anything about what's in the rather tiny paper bag in Carol's presence. When Carol offers the boys a ride home, even though she only has one more stop to make, they all tell her they prefer walking home instead, or jogging home instead. Back at the Brady home, both Cindy and Bobby remain on the lookout while the other four kids glue the broken vase back together again. When Carol comes home, she enjoys the bouquet of flowers, a gift to her from Mike according to Alice, which eventually are set in the middle of the dining room table just before dinner. As dinner's nearly ready, Carol prefers to have her bouquet of flowers set in her favorite vase, that is when both Peter and Greg insist on taking care of that themselves including filling up her favorite vase with water. During dinner, the water starts seeping out all through the cracks of Carol's favorite vase and all over the middle of the dining room table. Both Carol and Mike demand to know after dinner, who broke Carol's favorite vase and who glued it back together again. All the kids, except Peter, confess, as a result Peter must decide their punishments. Both Carol and Mike decide to take Peter shopping for a new lantern for his camping trip in hopes he'll confess, but instead, Peter wants the lantern. While Peter's asleep, his conscience finally catches up with him. In the end, Peter finally confesses, cancels out on the camping trip, and takes over all the chores he handed out to the other kids as punishments.