Father of the Year

Air date: 1/2/70

Marcia nominates her stepfather Mike as "Father of the Year" in a newspaper contest. Her efforts to enter Mike without him knowing lead to all sorts of misunderstandings. At one point, Marcia is told she is not going with her family on a ski trip, particularly when she's just been caught outside late at night well past her bedtime. The whole matter is cleared up when the editorial board from the newspaper presents Mike with a "Father of the Year" plaque.


54-40 and Fight

Air date: 1/9/70

The girls and boys fight over 94 books of trading stamps; each wanting to trade them in for different gifts. Furthermore, they must decide in short order, since the trading stamp company is going out of business. After attempts to reach a compromise fail (the boys want a rowboat, the girls want a sewing machine), and neither side will give in. Carol and Mike allow their children compete to build a house of cards, with the winner to decide. The girls win, but their sense of compromise eventually wins out when they buy a portable color television set.


Mike's Horror-Scope

Air date: 1/16/70

Carol reads Mike's horoscope, which tells of a strange woman entering his life. The next day, Mike is besieged by a fussy client - Beebe Gallini - who wants her new cosmetic factory to have any sort of design - even to Mike's liking - as long as it's "Beebe" pink. The weekend comes when Mike gets a last minute phone call from Beebe with plenty of new ideas for her factory, which means he can't take the boys fishing as first planned, so Carol agrees to take the boys fishing, and arranges to have Alice take the girls pony riding. While Mike was at Beebe's apartment - also her office - sampling her cosmetics, Alice comes home from pony riding, all roughed up and sore after getting bucked off a pony, she now prefers merry-go-rounds over ponies as the girls help comfort her, and then the boys help Carol into the kitchen after she had an even rougher day of fishing, she got seasick, sunburned, caught on someone else's fishing line, fell into a pile of fish, and wants no mention made of food. While Beebe takes over Mike's office just like it's her very own, the kids are complaining to Carol they don't get to see much of their dad anymore, because he's so busy working with Beebe, and Carol's starting to complain to Mike about this as well. When Beebe visits the Brady home, she's insistent on wanting her cosmetic factory to be impossibly designed to her specifications as Mike ultimately loses the deal when she's accidentally roughed up, first by Peter, then by Bobby. Peter's model airplane is accidentally flown in from across the living room, which flies into and ruins Beebe's professionally styled hair. Bobby and Cindy are cascading water on each other with each one of their squirt guns when Bobby accidentally gets Beebe all cascaded on with water from his squirt gun, all meant for Cindy, prompting Cindy to say, "Mommy, she cries black tears." Mike realizes losing the deal with Beebe has saved his firm from a nervous breakdown.


The Undergraduate

Air date: 1/23/70

Greg seems to be having trouble with math. When Mike and Carol investigate, they discover that Greg's "math trouble" is actually him having a crush on his math teacher, Miss Linda O'Hara. The situation is resolved when Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team's first base player Wes Parker, who is Miss Linda O'Hara's fiancée, promises Greg two tickets to the next season's opener baseball game if Greg promises to get an A in math.


Tiger, Tiger!

Air date: 1/30/70

Bobby becomes upset when Tiger runs away, leading the family on a search to find him. The kids all chip in money for Bobby to buy an ad and offer a reward. After the Bradys scour the area, Tiger is found at a neighbor's house, having already fathered a litter of puppies.


The Big Sprain

Air date: 2/6/70

While Carol is away caring for her sick Aunt Mary, Alice sprains her ankle while slipping on some Chinese Checkers left in the middle of the living room floor by the kids. As punishment, the kids are all pressed into service to perform all the household chores. Although things don't go so well at first, through learning how to cooperate, they manage the house quite well.