Good Company

Air date: 1/12/06

Jackie discovers Donna's crush on Randy, while Kitty is angry at Fez after he begins dating one of her friends. Donna's birthday is approaching and her friends don't know what present to give her.


Who Needs You

Air date: 1/19/06

Kitty and Red get annoyed with Hyde and Samantha's constant fighting. After Jackie floods Fez's apartment and almost gets them evicted, she decides to save the day in the most feminine way. Donna tries to get people to donate money for a children's library and is in for some disappointment about the fans of "Hot Donna".


Sweet Lady

Air date: 1/26/06

Donna is suspicious at Randy's intentions when he invites her to a cabin under questionable pretenses. Jackie wants to work for Christine St. George, a talk show host for What's Up, Wisconsin?. Hyde meets Red's older friends and questions his marriage.


Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

Air date: 2/2/06

Jackie needs Kitty's help to get her boss, self-centered TV host Christine St. George, to like her. Leo has a crush on someone quite unexpected and asks the other guys for help.


Killer Queen

Air date: 2/9/06

It's Valentine's Day and Red has trouble finding Kitty a gift when his present stash is found empty after he lets Hyde pick one for Samantha. Fez and Jackie fake a relationship for Christine St. George on What's Up, Wisconsin? when a guest fails to appear. Donna helps Randy plan out Valentine's Day and is surprised to learn who his date is.


Spread Your Wings

Air date: 3/16/06

Donna unsuccessfully tries to keep her relationship with Randy a secret. Fez tries to impress a co-worker named Hillary at all costs, while Jackie gets a new job, but finds it quite disappointing. Kitty and Red clean Eric's old bedroom, with help from Randy. Things take a turn for the worse when Kitty catches Randy and Donna kissing in Eric's room.

Son and Daughter

Air date: 3/23/06

Hyde has to watch over his father's house when he goes out of town. A subsequent party goes out of control and only Leo can fix the damage. Kitty is still furious against Donna for kissing Randy in Eric's old bedroom, and tries to ridicule her. After defending Randy, Red stays at Bob's to avoid further fights with Kitty.