Reefer Madness

Air date: 10/3/00

Hyde is caught for possession of marijuana. To keep Hyde from getting kicked out of the house for landing himself in jail, Eric wonders if he should tell Red about his marijuana use. Jackie becomes infatuated with Hyde, even if he doesn't love her back.


Red Sees Red

Air date: 10/10/00

Red puts the Forman house under a strict curfew after Eric reveals his marijuana use, booby-trapping the house. Laurie is happy about Eric's situation until she discovers she's under the curfew as well, and Kitty does everything to make Red change his mind.


Hyde's Father

Air date: 10/17/00

Hyde's father, Bud, returns to Point Place, but Hyde is reluctant to make amends, while Kitty tries to get them to reconcile. However, Red doesn't think it's such a good idea for Hyde to get back with Bud. Meanwhile, Donna is angry at Eric for keeping a stash of Playpen (a parody of Playboy) magazines under his bed.


Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too Young to Die

Air date: 10/31/00

The gang share a strange Halloween, complete with comic spoofs of several Alfred Hitchcock movies, including Psycho, The Birds, Rear Window, Vertigo, and North by Northwest. Eric has vertigo after falling off the garage roof, Fez and Hyde spy on the Pinciotti's, thinking Bob killed Midge, while Donna wants to prove Eric she's not boring. Meanwhile, Kitty and Laurie have a hard time feeding a neighbor's birds and a paperboy whom Red forgot to pay mistakes Kelso for someone in the Forman family and stalks him.


Roller Disco

Air date: 11/14/00

Jackie and Fez compete together in a roller disco, which could prove useful for Fez towards winning her heart. Red gets sued by a former Price Mart employee for wrongful termination.


Eric's Panties

Air date: 11/21/00

Donna suspects Eric is cheating on her, after finding a pair of panties in his car. Kitty is concerned with Red's high blood pressure and puts him on a less than satisfactory diet.