Samantha Who? is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC from 2007 to 2009. The series was created by Cecelia Ahern and Don Todd, who also served as producers. Although highly rated during its first season, the sitcom lost momentum and viewers at the beginning of its second season, and ABC canceled the show in 2009.

The show centered around Samantha Newly (Christina Applegate), a 30-year-old vice president of a real estate firm who developed retrograde amnesia after a hit and run accident. Upon waking, she realized to her dismay that she had been selfish and unlikeable before her accident, and therefore set out to make amends and become a better daughter to her somewhat dysfunctional parents, Howard (Kevin Dunn) and Regina (Jean Smart), a better friend to self-centered Andrea (Jennifer Esposito) and needy but well-meaning Dena (Melissa McCarthy), and a better on-again, off-again girlfriend to her roommate and ex-boyfriend, Todd (Barry Watson). Wryly observing her transformation from "old Sam" to "new Sam" was Samantha's bemused doorman, Frank (Tim Russ).