Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina

Air date: 3/9/05

Mr. Garrison gets a sex change operation, but when he realizes he is incapable of having a period, he tracks down the doctor to change him back. Meanwhile, Kyle goes to a plastic surgeon to turn himself black so he can be a star basketball player.


Die Hippie, Die

Air date: 3/16/05

Cartman attempts to rid South Park of hippies, but ends up in jail for wrongfully imprisoning the hippies in his house just as a hippie music festival has been announced.



Air date: 3/23/05

Token becomes a singer while the boys try to run a talent agency and represent the City Wok owner's wife.


Best Friends Forever

Air date: 3/30/05

Kenny is left in a persistent vegetative state, beginning a war between Cartman, who wants him to die so he can inherit his Sony PSP, Heaven, who needs his spirit to fight a war against hell, and those who feel he should be kept alive.


The Losing Edge

Air date: 4/6/05

The boys try to lose their baseball games on purpose so they can avoid having to play all summer. Randy gets into training to fight the other fathers at the games. The movie Rocky is parodied in select scenes. Also, The Karate Kid, is parodied, in that, the song You're the Best by Joe Esposito, inspires Randy to fight the "Batdad".