Sex and the City

Air date: 6/6/98

The girls agree men shouldn't be the only ones to have fun. Carrie and Mr. Big have their first encounter.


Models and Mortals

Air date: 6/14/98

Samantha has her fling with a modelizer (someone who's obsessed with models) put on film. Carrie and Big turn up the heat.


Bay of Married Pigs

Air date: 6/21/98

Carrie has an eye-popping experience in the Haptons. Miranda gets a new title at her law firm: “Lesbian”.


Valley of the Twenty-Something Guys

Air date: 6/28/98

Carrie discovers that twenty-something hunks aren't worth the trouble. Samantha comes to the sobering realization that she'll always be older than her boy toys.


The Power of Female Sex

Air date: 7/5/98

Carrie goes on a date with a gorgeous French architect and receives an infusion of something she never expected. Skipper's desire for Miranda grows even larger.


Secret Sex

Air date: 7/12/98

Miranda discovers a secret about her new boyfriend. Charlotte divulges her past love affair with one of God's chosen people.