Weaning Tommy

Air date: 2/16/92

Didi takes advice from Tommy's dentist, and takes his bottle away.


Incident in Aisle 7

Air date: 2/16/92

Tommy causes mayhem at the supermarket looking for Reptar Cereal.


Touchdown Tommy

Air date: 3/29/92

Stu makes an invention to stop Tommy from bumping his head.


The Trial

Air date: 3/29/92

he babies hold a mock trial to determine who broke Tommy's favorite lamp, "Mr. Fluffles".


Fluffy vs. Spike

Air date: 4/12/92

Angelica's cat, Fluffy, destroys the Pickles' house, and Spike is blamed.


Reptar’s Revenge

Air date: 4/12/92

The babies search for Reptar at a carnival.


Graham Canyon

Air date: 5/24/92

Stu, Didi, Tommy and Angelica go on a road trip to the Grand Canyon.


Stu-Maker’s Elves

Air date: 5/24/92

Tommy and Chuckie lose their toy, and must go into the basement to get it back.