Open Door, Broken Heart – Part 1

Air date: 12/8/87

After Punky and Margaux finish grooming Brandon, an excited Cherie bursts in with the announcement that Lee Starker, the new boy in school, is borrowing her history notes. Margaux and Cherie excitedly discuss this turn of events. In her excitement, Cherie forgets to close the apartment door, and Brandon makes an escape. After discovering Brandon's departure, Punky organizes a mass search for him that takes up five-and-a-half hours, all of her friends' energy, and no Brandon. Cherie blames herself because she was the one who left the apartment door opened. Meanwhile, a boy named Joey Deaton, who lives only three blocks away, has found Brandon, and he begs his parents to let him keep Brandon. His parents break down and agree to let him keep Brandon. While Punky continues her frantic efforts to find her Brandon, Joey's father tells his family that they're moving to California, and Joey can't wait to start over with Brandon there.


Open Door, Broken Heart – Part 2

Air date: 12/9/87

After Punky’s attempt to get the police to look for Brandon, and a teen con artist shows up with a bad fake, Henry brings up the point that there's a chance that Brandon may not be found. Henry, Betty, and Cherie try to cheer Punky up with a new golden retriever puppy, but that doesn't work. However, one of the flyers that Cherie was handing out ends up in the hands of Joey's mother. Joey doesn't want to give Brandon up, but Brandon takes matters into his own paws and escapes from Joey and shows up at Punky and Henry's door, being chased by Joey and his mother. With Brandon back, Punky decides to give the puppy to Joey, who has discovered that he and his parents won't be moving to California after all.


Beer & Buffalos Don't Mix

Air date: 11/5/87

After their friend Joey Deaton's father Mike gives Punky and Cherie a ride home from school, they try to tell Henry that they noticed the smell of beer on Mike's breath and that he was driving erratically. But because Henry and Mike are good friends, Henry hesitates to believe them. Punky and Cherie go over to Joey's house to try and talk to Joey about Mike's drinking problem, and Joey gets angry and refuses to believe them. Henry and Mike notice that Joey and the girls aren't getting along, so they plan a trip to Six Flags to cheer them up. However, as they are about to leave, Mike backs his car into a garbage can, and Henry and Joey finally realize that Punky and Cherie were right about Mike. Mike decides to get help for his drinking problem, and he and Joey walk home.


Best Friends

Air date: 11/10/87

One day, over Popsicle stick houses and big plants, Cherie finds love rolling in when Donald Sotta accidentally runs over Henry's gardening. It’s love at first sight for Cherie and Donald, who start spending all their time with each other, and a hurt Punky gets really ticked off at being the third wheel. As Donald and Cherie continue to spend more time together, Punky finally makes her feelings known, and the demolition of Punky's Popsicle stick house for lumber is the last straw. Punky attempts to get over Cherie by becoming best friends with Margaux instead, but that doesn't work. And things don’t work out between Donald and Cherie; all Donald ends up thinking about is baseball, basketball, and wrestling, and an apologetic Cherie would much rather hang out with Punky.


It's a Dog's Life

Air date: 11/11/87

Henry is just about to walk a very antsy Brandon when Punky walks in. Margaux has invited Punky to take a ride on her yacht on Lake Michigan, and Punky wants to go out shopping for things she'll want to take with her, but Henry won't let her until she takes Brandon for a walk and gives him a bath. Punky sneaks out with the plan of taking care of Brandon after she goes shopping, but when she gets home, she finds that Brandon has trashed the apartment. Henry comes home, and when he sees the apartment, he grounds Punky from the yacht trip, and she grumbles as she falls asleep that night, leading her to have a dream that Brandon is stuck in her body, and she's stuck in Brandon's body. After waking up the next morning, Punky is a lot more aware of Brandon's needs.


The Metamorphosis

Air date: 11/12/87

One night after dinner, Punky decides that she needs to talk to Henry about the life-altering event that she may need her first bra. A desperately embarrassed Henry calls Betty, but his comments about not wanting to see Punky grow up are overheard by Punky. As Betty attempts to talk to the girls about the changes they're going through, Punky storms off, thinking Henry will no longer love her when she grows up. Henry has to deal with things himself now, and during an uncomfortable trip to a store's bra section, Punky tells Henry what she overheard him saying to Betty. Punky and Henry have a talk that straightens things out as Henry explains to Punky that he'll always love her no matter how old she gets.