Reading, Writing, and Rock & Roll

Air date: 10/30/87

After discovering that Punky didn't do her book report, and tried to pass off a report that she bought from her friend Farley "Spud" Blugner as her own so she could impatiently get it done as quickly as possible, Henry cancels Punky's plans to see her favorite singing group, DeBarge, in concert - a move that Punky vows to never forgive Henry for. Henry thinks it over, and gets DeBarge to come to the apartment and tell Punky how important reading is. They also perform some songs for Punky, Cherie, and Margaux.


Punky's Big Story

Air date: 11/2/87

The fifth-grade class is putting together a newspaper, and Punky has landed the job of "human interest editor." It proves to be a very boring job, especially when the best she can come up with is a story on the janitor. After being introduced to tabloid magazines, however, Punky finds a new lease on writer's life as a gossip columnist. Punky soon finds herself in hot water with her teacher, her schoolmates, and Henry, when the gossip column does nothing but cause problems, especially when Punky's column tells her teacher, Mrs. Winston, which class put a frog in Mrs. Winston's briefcase. Mrs. Winston thought it was her biology class, but it was her history class.


Tons of Fun

Air date: 11/3/87

Punky and Henry welcome a visit from Henry's niece Louise, who lives in Toledo, Ohio, and Louise is carrying much more weight than she used to have. Louise handles the reactions with good humor at first, but after getting insulted by Margaux, Louise confides to Punky that she's unhappy with her weight. Punky organizes an extensive weight-loss program for everyone, but Louise ends up gaining weight, and no one can understand why...until Punky finds Louise about to eat a midnight snack that takes up the entire kitchen table. Punky talks to Louise, and Louise takes her words to heart. Four months later, Louis makes a return visit, having successfully lost a great deal of weight.


Divorce Anderson Style

Air date: 11/4/87

Allen has been coming to Punky's house an awful lot lately, staying for meals and almost entire days. The reason is the fact that Allen is terrified that his parents Andy and Annie are going to get a divorce, because Andy and Annie have been arguing a lot lately, more than usual. Punky and Henry decide to have a barbecue as a way to figure out the situation. Things go normally for a while, but Allen states that they're only bluffing. Sure enough, things devolve into an argument between Andy and Annie, leading up to Andy and Annie announcing that they have decided to get a divorce. Allen is devastated, and Punky finds him living in the tree house the next day. Allen says he's never leaving the tree house, and Punky is shocked by the reason why - Allen has to move to Kansas with Annie. Allen doesn't want to leave his friends and move to an unfamiliar place. Henry comes outside and tells Allen that Annie is looking for him. Punky and the gang say a tearful goodbye to Allen, and Punky tells Allen that she and the gang will always be Allen's friends, and that they will always stay in touch with Allen.


Hands Across the Halls

Air date: 11/6/87

Punky, Henry, and Brandon's regular viewing of "Lifestyles of the Pets of the Rich and Famous" is interrupted by a small fire in the opposite apartment. The apartment's resident, elderly Maude Firestein, is apologetic for the mishap, with most being sympathetic except for chronic complainer Pete "Frank the Crank" Frank, who wants Mrs. Firestein out of the building. Inside Mrs. Firestein's apartment, Henry discovers that the fire is the result of burning pajamas - Mrs. Firestein was drying her pajamas in her oven because she can't make it to the dryer in the building's basement. Mrs. Firestein's situation turns out to be even worse than that, as her son is now married and living in Philadelphia, and her son is strongly urging her to move into a nursing home for her safety. After finding out just how much Mrs. Firestein has to lose, Punky and Cherie are determined to rally the building into helping her stay. A meeting of all tenants is called, but Mr. Frank's resistance, combined with everyone else's busy lives, almost sinks the idea. When Mr. Frank's father Ben is revealed to be the person who's been chosen to take over Mrs. Firestein's lease, Mr. Frank throws his full support into Punky and Cherie's plan, rallying the building, and saving Mrs. Firestein from the nursing home.