Married with Children

Married...with Children or Married with Children is an American sitcom about a dysfunctional family living in Chicago that aired for 11 seasons. The show, notable for being the first prime time television series to air on Fox, debuted on April 5, 1987, and aired its final first-run broadcast on June 9, 1997. The series was created by Michael G. Moye and Ron Leavitt. The show was known for handling non-standard topics for the time period.The series' 11-season, 262-episode run makes it the longest-lasting live-action sitcom on the Fox network.

The show follows the lives of Al Bundy, a once-glorious high school football player (who scored four touchdowns in a single game for Polk High School) turned hard luck salesman of women's shoes; his wife, Margaret "Peg" Bundy, a tartish, uneducated housewife with a large red bouffant hairdo, 1970s clothes, and funny walk caused by wearing high heels; Kelly, Al and Peggy's pretty, promiscuous, dimwitted daughter; and Bud, their unpopular, girl crazy, comparatively smart son (and the only Bundy who ever attended college). Their neighbors are the upwardly mobile Steve Rhoades and his wife Marcy, who later gets remarried to Jefferson D'Arcy. Most storylines involve a scheming Al being foiled by his cartoonish dim wit and bad luck. His rivalry and loathing of Marcy also play a significant role in most episodes.