Monster on the Mountain

Air date: 11/24/84

The residents of the small village of Ruckstown are living in permanent fear of a monster they call 'The Tingler' that is said to live on Mount Fear, which overlooks the village. In the hope of hunting down and catching the Tingler, they call Prince Adam and Teela to their aid. Orko and Cringer accompany them, but soon they find themselves captured by the Tingler himself and taken to his home...but once they've got to know him, they find that The Tingler isn't as bad as the locals think.


The Magic Falls

Air date: 11/27/84

Skeletor and Evil-Lyn send a disguised Kobra Khan to Palace Eternia to disrupt the Eternia Day Celebration. But knowing Orko's magic will see through Khan's disguise, Evil-Lyn uses her magic to erase Orko's entirely. He-Man and Orko set out to recover Orko's missing magic, but the only way they can do it is by finding the Magic Falls- can they reach them in time?


Search for a Son

Air date: 11/28/84

Meckaneck explains that he was given his bionic neck by Man-At-Arms after his neck was badly injured in severe storm winds. In the storm, he lost track of his son, Philip, and pledged his services to King Randor and the Royal guard in the hope of some day finding his son. Its is revealed that his son was recovered from the storm winds by the evil Count Marzo, who had held him captive ever since and offers his return in exchange for the throne of Eternia.


Happy Birthday Roboto

Modulok,sworn enemy of Man-At-Arms, captures the heroic Roboto and reprograms him, then revives him to carry out his own evil deeds. He proceeds to attempt a Frankenstein-like experiment on Man-At-Arms, intending to transfer his brain power into his second head so that he can possess Man-At-Arms' scientific knowledge for himself.


The Toy Maker


Bargain with Evil

Air date: 12/1/84

Lady Arvella must bring the Starchild to Anghast in order for her father to be freed. Avella steals the Starchild so He-Man and the gang travel to Castle Landros where they are sent to the Realm of Evil so have to try to get back.