Downtown as Fruits

Air date: 10/7/96

Helga Pataki's Four Food Groups - The Musical" is missing its banana and strawberry when Arnold and Gerald decide to take the bus a few too many stops past the school and end up downtown without money - until someone drives by and throws them a bag of cash.


Eugene’s Bike

Air date: 10/7/96

When Eugene's new bike is ruined thanks to something Arnold did, Arnold realizes that he's been involved in quite a few of Eugene's accidents, so Arnold takes Eugene out for a day of fun - well, fun for Arnold, but mishaps for Eugene.


The Little Pink Book

Air date: 10/9/96

Helga's little pink book, full of love poems about Arnold, falls into Arnold's hands, and Helga has to get it back before Arnold gets to the last page (the only place where she put her own name), even if it means hiding in Arnold's closet all night.


Field Trip

Air date: 10/9/96

While on a class field trip to the aquarium, Arnold learns that an ancient tortoise named LockJaw is being unfairly treated by people who make fun of him. So Arnold convinces his grandmother to aid in helping him sneak into the aquarium and set the miserable tortoise free.


Arnold’s Hat

Air date: 10/14/96

Helga steals Arnold's hat to complete her secret shrine - a statue in the shape of Arnold's head made from Arnold-chewed bubble gum - but Arnold feels he's lost a part of himself...but in order for Helga to fix the problem, first she has to get the hat, which her mother tossed into the trash that is now on its way to the dump.


Stoop Kid

Air date: 10/14/96

While playing football on the street, Arnold kicks the ball and it ends up on the Stoop Kid's stoop. And according to Gerald, Stoop Kid is a boy who has been living on that particular stoop ever since he was born. Arnold tries to wait for Stoop Kid to leave so he can get his football back, but learns that Stoop Kid never leaves his stoop. Faced with this fact, Arnold tries to convince Stoop Kid to overcome his habit by taking a step off the stoop.


Helga’s Makeover

Air date: 10/16/96

Due to her tomboy-ish nature, Helga is the only girl not invited to Rhonda's slumber party. Feeling left out she gives herself a makeover, and goes to Rhonda's slumber party anyway.


The Old Building

Air date: 10/16/96

Arnold is caught in the middle when Grandma and Ernie argue about whether an old building should be torn down or not.


6th Grade Girls

Air date: 11/4/96

Having met girls in the 6th grade, Arnold and Gerald, passing themselves off as 6th graders, attend a 6th grade dance.


The Baseball

Air date: 11/4/96

When Arnold discovers that his favorite baseball player Mickey Kaline is retiring after one final game, he goes to the game only to get a bad seat.