Speed Trap/Flights of Fantasy/Castaway Cat

Air date: 10/5/91

Speed Trap: On a car trip, Jon is pulled over by an officer for doing 25 in an 8 mph zone and is given a ticket. Jon refuses to pay and demands to see the judge, much to his dismay, the officer is also the judge, prosecutor, and attorney. Garfield and Odie get wise that he's a fake and hurry Jon to leave, but Jon's determined to pay the ticket and move on. An accident has him heading back to the jail, and Garfield and Odie driving his car, catching the attention of the real police.
Flights of Fantasy: Wade believes that he is fantizizing that he is stopping the weasel from stealing chickens.
Castaway Cat: Garfield wants to watch TV, but the cable is out. While Jon tries to reason with the cable guy to come out this century, he gives Garfield a book to tide him over, and soon Garfield imagines he's Robinson Crusoe.


Mind Over Matter/Orson at Bat/The Multiple-Choice Cartoon

Air date: 10/12/91

Mind Over Matter: Jon takes Garfield and Odie to see Swami Salami, who can supposedly read minds. As it turns out, Jon gets caught up in the con job that is part of the swami's act. His assistant picks the wallet from Jon's pocket, then reads the personal information of his I.D. to the swami through an earpiece. After they sell Jon a $200 gem so he too can read minds, Garfield and Odie are determined to get to the bottom of it.
Orson at Bat: Orson is none too happy about his position at right on the field during a baseball game because nobody hits the right. He gets hit on the head and imagines himself in Ernest Lawrence Thayer's poem "Casey at the Bat" as the overly confidant baseball player who like Orson, doesn't take his position in baseball with effort, and ends up regretting it.
The Multiple-Choice Cartoon: Garfield lets the viewers decide what this cartoon will be about, and gives them three choices for each deciding option.


Galactic Gamesman Garfield/Sly Spy Guy/The Thing That Stayed...

Air date: 10/12/91

Galactic Gamesman Garfield: Garfield becomes hooked on video games; Jon has appendicitis.
Sly Spy Guy: Orson has another 00-Orson spy fantasy in order to figure out a way to get Roy to uncover where he's hid his spy novel.
The Thing That Stayed..: Jon's annoying uncle Ed overstays his welcome.


Bouncing Baby Blues/The Ugly Duckling/Learning Lessons

Air date: 10/19/91

Bouncing Baby Blues: Garfield and Odie are at the grocery store picking up a large cartfull of groceries. In the meantime, a woman with a baby named Junior realizes she forgot eggs, leaving her cart and the baby. Junior reaches for an item in Garfield's cart, and falls in. When Garfield and Odie get home, they unpack their groceries to find a little boy! As they're waiting for the mother to come over, Jon warns Garfield that if he loses the baby, no layer cake for a year! Junior gets away, and Garfield can't find him, so Odie poses as the baby. But, just in the nick of time, Garfield finds Junior sleeping in his bed.
The Ugly Duckling: Shledon and Booker are sick of Orson reading them the phone book as a bedtime story. Booker suggests the story of the "Ugly Duckling," and Orson begins to make up the story. The ugly duck is depressed because he's so ugly, but hears of a wizard, Bo. He goes to Bo and asks for a new face. Bo agrees, but on one condition-the ugly duck must go to a wicked witch's castle and steal her shoes. The witch says no and sets her lackeys on him. In desperation, the ugly duck uses his ugliness to scare them all away. After discovering his secret weapon, he decides he doesn't need a new face. Unfortunately, Booker and Sheldon do not take too well to Orson's unique interpretation.
Learning Lessons: It's another typical day in the life of Garfield, when the man from the network decides that the cartoon needs more educational content and hires the Buddy Bears. As Garfield tries to go on with his show, they pop in every few seconds to interject their snippets of information while driving Garfield crazy in the process. Garfield decides to take action. He makes up the word "gazorninplats" and asks the Buddy Bears to tell everyone about them. Thinking they've failed, the Buddy Bears quit, but the man from the network decides to replace Garfield's show with the "Gazorninplat Hour!"


Robodie II/For Butter or Worse/Annoying Things

Air date: 10/19/91

For Butter or Worse: With their stock of butter disappearing on the farm, Orson and the others have to churn new butter. Suspecting Roy has stolen the butter, Orson thinks of a way to make him confess, inspired with a fantasy sequence about him as the superhero Power Pig.
Annoying Things: Garfield hosts a show listing things that annoy people, but is told by a dog that dogs should not be included, or else.


Guaranteed Trouble/Fan Clubbing/A Jarring Experience

Air date: 10/26/91

Guaranteed Trouble: Jon buys a TV from Madman Murray but the TV's breaks so he goes to him asking about the guarantee. But the guarantee makes it impossible to fix it.
Fan Clubbing: Roy makes a fan club for himself but Wade changes it to the Wade Duck Fan Club.
A Jarring Experience: A mother mouse is getting food in the house when she falls in the cookie jar. Garfield, not aware of her presence, closes the lid to keep the cookies fresh, and he has no idea what to do when a kid mouse comes accusing him of eating his mother.


The Idol of Id/Bedtime Story Blues/Mama Manicotti

Air date: 11/2/91

The Idol of Id: Garfield and Odie's contact with the mysterious Idol of Id causes their minds to exchange places.
Bedtime Story Blues: Orson tries to pick a book to read to Sheldon and Booker, eventually choosing Cinderella. Sheldon and Booker decide to change bits of the story, since they complain that this is a girl's story.
Mama Manicotti:Garfield, Jon, and Odie travel to an out-of-the-way Italian restaurant which serves, in Garfield's recollection, the best Italian food he has ever eaten. He also finds that a large chain of pizzerias, Papa Plastique, whose food is so bad even Garfield wouldn't eat them, wants to buy Mama Manicotti's recipes.


The Pizza Patrol/The Son Also Rises/Rolling Romance

Air date: 11/9/91

The Pizza Patrol: When a local pizza place advertises they'll deliver a pizza in 30 minutes or it's free, they didn't take into account a certain fat, orange cat who'd go to any lengths for free pizza. After Garfield thwarts the attempts of three delivery men, the general who runs the pizza place takes matters into his own hands, but even he is no match for a determined fat feline.
The Son Also Rises: Wade's father comes to visit Wade to see if he's not a coward anymore. Wade pretends to be brave. Meanwhile Roy tries to guard the chickens from the weasel, with the help of the 'Weasel Watcher' machine.
Rolling Romance: Jon decides to buy a new car after crashing his old one into the garage (which happens when Garfield is playing around with the garage door opener, thinking it is the TV remote). He gets more than he bargained for, however, when he gets a car with a computer voice that falls in love with him. To get the car to leave Jon alone, Garfield suggests finding the car's former love, which turns out to be the announcer's voice at the airport.