Robodie/First Aid Wade/Video Victim

Air date: 10/21/89

Robodie: Garfield and Odie are out in the town, and it is lunch time. Fortunately for Garfield, they are near his favorite restaurant in the world, an all you can eat buffet called "Sid's Restaurant". But while Garfield is in their, a mad professor comes out of the side street and steals Odie for his cloning machine.
First Aid Wade: Roy and Orson are playing a tricky game of ping pong, and Roy is finding it very easy. Roy shoots it out of the barn, and it flies through the air, and Orson follows it. Wade is talking to a 'Moo Cow' when he gets annoyed with it and walks off, and collides with Orson. They fall on the cow, and Wade falls off it, thinking it is broken, and thinks that Roy and Orson want to do surgery on him.
Video Victim: Garfield is watching golf. How boring. Then the screen goes funny, because Jon's vacuum cleaner is interfering with the picture. Garfield gets annoyed and pulls the plug on the vacuum. Jon blames him for being obsessed with TV, and makes a bet that if Garfield can go 24 hours without watching the TV, he will stop using the vacuum cleaner. But strange things happen in the night.


The Curse of Klopman/Mud sweet Mud/Rainy Day Dreams

Air date: 10/28/89

The Curse of Klopman: The mailman gets stuck in one of Garfield's traps again while delivering the mail. Jon gets a letter from a lawyer telling him that his third cousin twice removed Norbert has died, and he has left him something in his will. When Garfield and Jon get to where he lives, there are two people there plus Garfield. The first person, Norbert's business partner, is left nothing, Jon is left a hello, and Garfield is left the Klopman Diamond, which the business partner wanted, despite the fact that it is cursed.
Mud Sweet Mud: The farm is a mess, and as usual, Bo and Lanolin are disagreeing about everything. Orson suggests that the farm animals clean up the farm to make it look nice, and they all agree. They pick up the trash and rake up the leaves, and they also want to get rid of something else that belongs to Orson.
Rainy Day Dreams: It's raining, but Jon is expecting his new date to come to the house for a few hours. Little does he know that his date is just trying to get him to buy house insurance. Garfield is bored, and agrees to play with Odie. Jon doesn't want Garfield to annoy him and his girlfriend, which he does. Garfield starts having a day dream about dragons and criminals, constantly annoying Jon.


Basket Brawl/Origin of Power Pig/Cactus Jake Rides Again

Air date: 10/28/89

Basket Brawl: Jon, Nermal and Odie are trying to get a picnic made up without Garfield eating it all before they get out of the drive. The mice turn it into a basket ball style game at Arbuckle Stadium, and who will be the winner of the basket brawl, starting with the the grapefruit.
Origin of Power Pig: The farm has had their biggest harvest ever, and Roy has the first guard duty from Orson's brothers. During his guard duty, he plays a trick on Wade, who gives Orson's brothers an idea of how this year to steal the crops. Orson gives Wade a flashback of how he became Power Pig.
Cactus Jake Rides Again: The regional Rodeo Championship is being held in Jon, Odie and Garfield's town, and the supposed best cowboy around plans to ride a horse that has never been ridden all the way to the whistle before, Certain Death, the Horse that Jon and Garfield met on Cactus Jake's Pollcat Ranch. They see Jake again, and he invites himself to stay with them, which they do not like.


Binky Goes Bad!/Barn of Fear/Mini-Mall Matters

Air date: 11/4/89

Binky Goes Bad!: Jon, Garfield and Odie are at Binky the Clown's court case, and Binky is being his usual clown self. Garfield doesn't think Binky did it, and decides to read the script that showed what happened earlier in the show. It turns out that there is a man called Stinky Davis, that hated Binky, and knew just how to get rid of him.
Barn of Fear: The farm has had a great harvest, filling up the entire barn, so that the animals have no where to sleep. It is going to rain tonight, and they don not want to sleep outdoors. Orson suggests that they sleep in the old barn, which is haunted. Wade does not want to, and tells the story of the old barn, however they all have to stay there and the story has terrified the animals, except Orson. But is the old barn really haunted?
Mini-Mall Matters: Garfield is doing a factual and educational show about mini-mall. He shows how they are grown, developed and used, and says what is in them, such as the mini-market, the mini-cafeteria and the mini-pharmacy. Odie seems to think something is wrong, so keeps trying to tell Garfield, who isn't listening as he is trying to do his show.


Attention-Getting Garfield/Swine Trek/It Must be True!

Air date: 11/11/89

Attention-Getting Garfield: Garfield is getting less attention from the public than Odie is, and Garfield doesn't like it. But then Jon doesn't pay Garfield any attention, and Floyd only seems to care how Odie is at first. Garfield's favorite show becomes Odie and Friends, and Garfield tries to get Jon to notice him.
Swine Trek: Orson has a terrible cold, and the farm animals try to help him, not very well though. Orson tells them to leave him to rest, or they might catch his cold. Orson starts to have a dream where he and the farm animals are in a flying out of space barn on a 5 year mission to go where no one has gone before where they get a distress call for help.
It Must be True: At a TV station called WBOR Garfield presents a show to a live audience called 'It Must be True', where he claims everything said on television must be true. His statements include that fire hydrants contain compressed water, not connected to the plumbing; there is no such place as Wyoming, that it merely is a old Italian word meaning 'no state here'; and that cows discuss English literature when no one is around.


Arrivederci, Odie!/Gort Goes Good/Felling Feline

Air date: 11/18/89

Arrivederci, Odie:Garfield breaks a vase and then blames it on Odie. Jon then takes Odie to the vet, but Garfield thinks Jon is taking him away because he supposedly broke the vase.
Gort Goes Good: Orson's mean brother Gort comes to visit and claims that he's turned over a new leaf.
Felling Feline: Jon is afraid that he is behaving too much like Garfield.


The Bear Facts/Nothing to be Afraid of/The Big Talker

Air date: 11/18/89

The Bear Facts: Jon takes Odie and a reluctant Garfield camping in the woods, where they encounter Binky's escaped circus bear.
Nothing to be Afraid of: The gang tries to find at least one thing that Wade couldn't possibly be afraid of.
The Big Talker: A talk show hosts publicly denounces cats, and Garfield is determined to get him to change his stance.


Cactus Makes Perfect/Hogcules II/Crime and Nourishment

Air date: 11/25/89

Cactus Makes Perfect: Cactus Jake tells about how he met his wife, and his experiences with a Garfield-like cat.
Hogcules II: Roy's latest practical joke sends grain spilling out of the silo, and he and Wade argue over who has to clean it up. Orson imagines what Hogcules would do when confronted with arguing giants like Roy and Wade.
Crime and Nourishment: A gnome takes Jon's picnic basket into the hole of a tree. Garfield follows him and soon discovers a hidden civilization where food is used as currency, and vice versa.