The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath

Air date: 1/17/02

Joey is crazy with guild over his newfound affection for Rachel – and things get screwier when Monica mistakenly thinks he's infatuated with Phoebe.


The One with the Secret Closet

Air date: 1/31/02

Chandler becomes obsessed with finding out what is behind the locked door of Monica's forbidden closet. Phoebe feels betrayed whens he discovers Monica has been using another massage therapist.


The One with the Birthing Video

Air date: 2/7/02

Monica goes all out for Valentine's Day with sexy lingerie and X-rated entertainment. But Chandler is too shell-shocked to respond after he accidentally watches a birthing video meant for Rachel.


The One Where Joey Tells Rachel

Air date: 2/28/02

Joey tells Ross about his true feelings for Rachel. They agree that Joey should tell Rachel during dinner, regardless of the consequences. Chandler fears that Phoebe's new boyfriend Don may be more compatible with Monica than he is.


The One with the Tea Leaves

Air date: 3/7/02

Phoebe determines through reading tea leaves that she'll soon meet the man of her dreams. Feeling awkward after revealing his true feelings for Rachel, Joey keeps a low profile.


The One in Massapequa

Air date: 3/28/02

Monica regrets her request to supplant Ross as the designated toast-giver at their parents' 35th wedding anniversary. Phoebe's latest boyfriend drives everyone at the party crazy with his upbeat optimism.