Mokey, Then and Now

Air date: 2/23/87

When Mokey, Wembley, and Boober are rehearsing their lines for the show their putting on later in the day, they come across The Sacred Cavern, where they see an ancient drawing of a Fraggle. While doing a chant, without knowing what would happen, the three Fraggles get transported back in time where Fraggles had leaders, they were bald, and they were way too serious. Luckily, Mokey, Boober and Wembley are wearing caps, so these Fraggles don't see that the Fraggles from the future aren't bald. When the leader, Bigmouth, asks who they are, Mokey claims to be their Blundig, their ancient leader who was destined to return. But when the tribe of Fraggles see they're lying, they lock the three up in a place that looks a LOT like Gobo and Wembley's room. And now, it's up to Mokey to find a way to change these Fraggles for the better, and get home before something terrible happens.


Ring Around the Rock

Air date: 3/2/87

Ma and Pa Gorg are having their 513th wedding anniversary and are going to renew their vows. Pa asks Junior to hold onto the wedding ring. When Junior puts on the ring, he decides its' too small, so when he struggles to get it off, he flings it across the garden into a tiny hole, where Gobo just happens to be exploring. The ring falls on Gobo's head, and Gobo rushes the ring back home and gives it to Wembley. After he does that, Gobo goes back to wait for other objects to appear. But Junior's digging a hole where it fell, and when he sees Gobo, he picks him up, and begs him to bring the ring back. But it's going to be hard, because the ring just seems to be getting passed along to everybody. Will Ma and Pa have to call off the wedding? Or will Junior have to find something else in place of the ring for Pa to give to Ma?


Inspector Red

Air date: 3/9/87

When the Fraggle Horn appears missing, Red plays detective and helps the World's Oldest Fraggle to find it again. However, Red's not doing a good job, for she seems to be falsely accusing Uncle Matt, Boober, and Marlon Fraggle. Finally, it's up to Red to think of a plan that would make the guilty Fraggle confess...but how is she going to do that without falsely accusing anyone else again?


The Gorg Who Would Be King

Air date: 3/16/87

Pa takes Junior to the Nirvana tree, a tree that, when the last leaf falls, it will be Junior's turn to reign over the universe. But Junior becomes really scared when there's only one leaf on the tree left. Junior then decides to eat the last leaf, so that the leaf doesn't officially fall. When he does this, he shrinks to the size of a Fraggle. Meanwhile, Mokey wants to show Wembley the Nirvana tree, and when Pa spots them, he chases them away. When he does this, he spots Junior who, to Pa, is really a Fraggle. Junior then escapes into Fraggle Rock, and bumps into Wembley. After telling Wembley of how he shrunk, Wembley takes him to the Trash Heap. When they get there, Marjorie tells him that he needs to be small in order to see the universe in a way he hasn't seen it before. Wembley and Junior make their way back to Fraggle Rock, but not before getting chased by Pa again. When the two make it back to the Great Hall, the Fraggles laugh at Junior's stature, and then tell him that Fraggles don't have bosses. Then Junior meets Cotterpin Doozer, who tells him that the sticks they make are from Radishes, and Junior realizes that it all fits together; he likes growing radishes, Doozers build with radishes, and Fraggles eat radishes. Junior thinks he's ready to be big again, but before he sees his parents again, he must defuse a bomb that Pa has thrown down into the Rock. Will Junior defuse it in time? More importantly, does the universe really need a ruler when things seem to be just fine without one?


The Honk of Honks

Air date: 3/23/87

Gobo goes into "Outer Space" in search of an adventure. But when he realizes that Doc can't see him, but Sprocket can, Gobo becomes amazed. Meanwhile, Wembley catches up to his pal and tells him Cantus is coming back. When Cantus arrives, he tells the Fraggles it's time for the Song of Songs, and in order to do that, one Fraggle must create the Honk of Honks. He assigns Gobo to the task, to which Gobo refuses at first to go back up to "Outer Space" to see the Silly Creature again. Cantus finds him and tells him the Honk of Honks is much more important. He later tells him that, in order to make the Honk work, he needs to realize that "We're all a part of everything, and everything is a part of us." Gobo then gets a honking device from the Trash Heap, Junior Gorg, and Cotterpin Doozer, and connects them all to the Fraggle Horn. But it wasn't the true Honk of Honks, and Cantus cancels the celebration. Later, Gobo and Cantus have words, and Cantus tells him that he finally needs to touch the Silly Creature in order for both of them to see. So, it's up to Gobo to finally make contact with Doc, in order to finally understand what it means to touch someone and see. And maybe - just maybe - everyone can finally be a part of the true Song of Songs.


Change of Address

Air date: 3/30/87

After hearing that Ned Shimmelfinny has to move to the desert for his health, Doc decides that he and Sprocket will move there to be with their friend. But Doc wants to see Gobo one last time. Down in Fraggle Rock, Gobo's just getting over the Fraggle Flu, which means he hasn't been up to the hole to "Outer Space" to see the treats Doc and Sprocket have left him. When Red brings a note to Gobo from Doc, saying that they have to leave but want to see Gobo one last time, Gobo goes up to visit the Silly Creature, to find out his name is really Jerome Christian, but his nickname is Doc. Doc then asks if Gobo wants to move with them, but Gobo gets scared and runs away, leaving Doc and Sprocket sad. Gobo's not feeling too happy either, and when he goes to Marjorie for advice, she says that he needs to tell Doc that "He cannot leave the magic." Gobo runs back up to "Outer Space", along with Boober, Red, Wembley and Mokey. But when he gets there, the workshop is completely empty, and Doc and Sprocket have moved. Doc does leave Gobo a message on a tape recorder, and Gobo's friends join him in listening to the good-bye message. When the Fraggles leave, Red makes the comment, "Maybe the Silly Creature left, but we never would." Then Wembley says, "Yeah Gobo...we could never leave you." And when Wembley says this, Gobo finally understands the Trash Heap's message. Maybe Gobo's not too late, after all.