Wembley's Flight

Air date: 3/3/86

When Wembley rescues a Spider Fly from a Snare Blossom, the fly turns into a strange old creature that will grant Wembley any wish he wants to for setting him free. Wembley decides he wants to fly, so the creature gives him the ability, but Wembley's only allowed to fly three times. He uses his first time up almost immediately, but then he goes to find his friends to show them his new ability. Wembley's story isn't quite believable to his friends, which upsets Wembley because everyone else gets to show off what they're good at. He decides he's going to fly for the Fraggles who will believe him...so he seeks out Feeny, Marlon, and Large Marvin to show them his flying abilities. But Gobo, Mokey and Red stop him from doing so because they believe he'll just hurt himself. Finally, he decides that showing off for his friends isn't what he wanted the flying abilities for; he wanted to fly just to fly.


Wonder Mountain

Air date: 3/17/86

Mokey wants to go all the way up to Wonder Mountain to see the Aurora Fragglialis, which only occurs once every 1000 days. But Red's worried about Mokey going alone, and even though she promised Mokey she trusted her enough to go by herself, Red decides to leave the duties of plant-sitting Lanford to Gobo, Boober and Wembley to watch over Mokey so nothing bad happens. The only problem is, Red falls victim to almost everything, while the dreamy Mokey just keeps going on. She gets torn up through some rough brush, falls off the Invisible Bridge, and almost gets enchanted by the Singing Cactus, when Mokey spots her and saves her. When asked why she decided to come along, Red says she wants to see the Aurora Fragglialis too. But later on, as they go past where the Rock Monster lives, he wakes up, and chases down the two girls. It's up to Mokey and Red to work together to get the Rock Monster off their tails in order to go and experience the Aurora Fragglialis before it's too late.


Red's Blue Dragon

Air date: 3/10/86

Red's been playing "Princess Gwenelot and the Evil Dragon" lately, and when Gobo tells her she needs to grow up and stop playing make-believe, she happens upon the T. Matthew Fraggle Room, the cavern with the dozens of tunnels that lead to different places in "Outer Space." But when she accidentally spots a huge, blue dragon, it gets lost in Fraggle Rock. She tries to convince Gobo and Uncle Matt about the dragon, but they just think she's played make-believe too much, so it's up to Red to make things right.


Space Frog Follies

Air date: 3/24/86

Gobo's getting ready to have a surprise party for himself, but when Uncle Matt shows up and says he can't come to the party, Gobo gets upset. Meanwhile, Matt takes Wembley aside and shows him the present he got for Gobo; a space frog. Matt then tells him that he wants Wembley to watch over it until he gets back from "Outer Space" so he can collect flies for the frog to eat. So it's up to Wembley to keep the space frog a secret until Matt gets back, but he has a hard time doing so. But is keeping the space frog in a jar, as a pet, for the rest of his life really the best thing for him? It's up to Wembley to decide what's best for the space frog, even if it means upsetting his buddy.


Boober Gorg

Air date: 3/31/86

Boober's well-known for cooking excellent recipes with radishes, and one day while creating another famous dish, the pot explodes, and the radish falls on Boober's head, giving him amnesia, and it's up to his friends to find a cure. When Boober has a sudden strike of familiarization with radishes, Gobo takes him to the Gorg's Garden, hoping that seeing the Gorgs will scare him back to normal. Meanwhile, in the garden, Pa's been reading "The Book of Gorgish Myth & Wisdom", and according to the book, this is the day an evil sorcerer is supposed to appear. And when Junior seems to be missing, Pa and Ma think the sorcerer's done something terrible to him. And when Boober sees the Gorgs, he has an identity crisis, and thinks he's a Gorg too. Pa and Ma think that the sorcerer turned Junior into a Fraggle, so they have to teach him all over again. Gobo finds Boober and tries once again to tell him he's a Fraggle, but Boober doesn't believe him. So Gobo goes back to Mokey, Red and Wembley and prepares a plan to get Boober back to Fraggle Rock. But Boober, still thinking he's a Gorg, overhears this and gets Ma and Pa to help him catch the Fraggles. Once they're all caught, the Gorgs leave it up to Boober to decide their fate. Will Boober finally snap out of it before his friends get thumped?


Mirror, Mirror

Air date: 1/5/87

Red Fraggle's been having a lot of parties lately, and today will be her 28th 'birthday' since the Festival of the Bells. But when the other four seem uninterested in celebrating with her again, she goes off by herself, and runs into Cotterpin Doozer, who left her job of stirring glue to celebrate with Red. As the girls are singing, they come upon a magical mirror, named Mavis, who can sing, whistle, yodel, gurgle, and see the future. She tells Red that she sees, in the future, Red will have a party that she'll never forget. Cotterpin leaves after getting tired of Mavis calling her a 'bug,' but Red keeps pushing Mavis until they arrive to the hole that leads into the Gorg's castle. In the castle, Pa and Junior are going honk-fishing, leaving Ma alone on her birthday. Ma becomes really sad, but when she hears yodelling coming from the hole in the wall, she picks up Mavis, and they have a chat. Red gets angry that the Gorg stole her new friend away, so she goes inside to save her. Once Red arrives, Mavis tries to convince Ma and Red to have the party together. Red goes along with it, only so she can get Mavis out of there. Her plan goes wrong when Mavis falls off the table and breaks, leaving Ma furious. Now, Red has to find some way to put Mavis back together, and Cotterpin just may be the Doozer to help.