Sidebottom Blues

Air date: 1/20/86

When Boober shows Wembley all of his ointments and medicines, Wembley thinks Boober doesn't have enough fun, and invites him to the garden to play Follow the Leader with the rest of their friends. First Boober accepts, but then he overhears Gobo talking about Boober being a big goof (when really, Gobo's referring to Junior), he gets upset and very hurt, and decides to let Sidebottom out and turns into "Dr. Fun." The other Fraggles worry that Boober's going too far, but when Boober hypnotizes Junior into thinking he's a Fraggle, the fun begins. Then Wembley starts to have an allergic reaction to the Bonkleberry stew, and the situation becomes problematic, and it's time for Dr. Fun to step aside before it's too late.


Uncle Matt's Discovery

Air date: 1/27/86

Uncle Matt's coming back home again, and this time when he shows up, he hides under the party table in Gobo's room to avoid what he calls "Face Erasers." Red pokes fun at Matt's cowardice, even when he says it was a joke. Gobo gets upset that Matt won't admit his fear, so Matt goes exploring by himself. When Wembley convinces Gobo to go after him, they find a scary wooden statue of a Fraggle. When Matt accidentally hits it, they both fall through the floor and happen upon a whole new cavern with dozens of tunnels. And when you hit the arch to the tunnel, you get sucked in to another region of "Outer Space", thus providing new places for Gobo and Uncle Matt to explore.


Junior Faces the Music

Air date: 2/3/86

Tonight is the night of the Blue Moon, and when Junior Gorg notices this, he begs Pa to let him play the Royal Kazoo to prove that he'll be a great, worthy king. But the moon needs to be full, and one also needs five Fraggle witnesses. But when Pa dismisses the idea in fear of Junior being banished, Junior feels like he'll never be much of anything. Then, when Cantus the Minstrel shows up (as a shadowy figure), he convinces Junior that he needs to believe in himself and that he can do anything he wants to. Cantus makes Junior promise to play the Royal Kazoo, and then Cantus goes to get the five Fraggle witnesses; Gobo, Mokey, Red, Wembley and Boober. Once they show up, it's time for Junior to prove what kind of king he'll be.


The Perfect Blue Rollie

Air date: 2/17/86

One day as Wembley and Boober are going down by Roaring Rivene, they come upon a huge collection of colorful smoothies and rollies, the greatest gift you can give to a Fraggle. But then, something even more amazing happens; Wembley spots the Perfect Blue Rollie, the rarest pebble in the universe. He gives it to Boober in the spirit of giving. But Boober becomes selfish with the rollie and puts it in his Hidey Hole, a cave where Boober keeps all of his stuff. When Gobo, Red and Mokey see it, they do their best to get Boober to bring it to the Great Hall and have a party. Boober becomes even more selfish, kicks his friends out, and spends his time protecting the rollie from being stolen. But when Wembley unsuccessfully sneaks in as a ball of laundry lint to steal it back, a cave-in occurs, leaving Boober inside. It's up to his friends to save him before Boober becomes trapped forever, with all his 'stuff.'


A Tune for Two

Air date: 2/10/86

It's time for the Duet-athon! Wembley's supposed to be paired up with Gobo, but when Matt comes back home for another visit, Gobo get's paired up with his uncle instead. Then Wembley tries to get Boober to join him, but when Tosh Fraggle comes along, Boober just can't resist doing a song with his crush. Wembley becomes sad, and thinks no one wants to be with him in the Duet-athon. While Wembley's crying, Cotterpin Doozer comes along and tries to cheer him up, saying she'll be in the competition with him. When Wembley then goes to Gillis Fraggle to sign her up as his partner, Gillis rudely tells him Doozers are not allowed in the contest. Wembley goes back and delivers the bad news to Cotterpin, saying she can't be in it with him. She gets mad and leaves, prompting Wembley to stand up to Gillis, telling him that just because the Duet-athon has always been just for Fraggles, it doesn't make it right. He starts up a protest rally, and before long, all the Fraggles say that if Cotterpin isn't allowed to join, they'll all drop out, leaving Gillis no choice but to do the right thing...leading to the greatest Duet-athon ever.


A Brush with Jealously

Air date: 2/24/86

Mokey's well-known for being a terrific painter, but when Red takes down one of her paintings and puts up one of Pedley Fraggles' (another great painter), she sets out to show everyone how much better of a painter she is. When she goes to the Trash Heap for a paintbrush, Marjorie gives her a magical paintbrush that, when used for the wrong reasons, takes control of the Fraggle using it. Mokey doesn't consider herself the jealous type, but she's proven wrong when she tries to out-paint Pedley and she can't seem to let go of the brush. Mokey needs to find a way to get the brush to quit controlling her, and realize why she loved painting in the first place.