The Great Radish Caper

Air date: 4/1/85

Mokey's on her way out to get a radish, when she sees Junior talking to this gigantically huge radish named Geraldine. When she tries to take the radish back home, Junior catches her, and she sees that Junior has a problem. Junior asks her what it is, and she fools him into letting her go. Mokey shares this with her friends, and then Wembley, Gobo and Red decide to go have a look at it, only to almost be caught by Junior. Mokey then decides that, while they get the radish, she'll keep Junior occupied. Mokey gets caught again, and Junior makes her tell him what the problem is. She says that he has an obsession with a radish, and that what he really needs is a friend. The two of them go off to find Junior a friend, and while they're gone, Boober, Gobo, Wembley and Red go and get Geraldine before Junior gets back. When Mokey and Junior return, Junior becomes really upset that Geraldine's gone. Mokey feels terrible for what she's done, so it's up to her to make things right, and find out that Junior's had a friend all along.


Born to Wander

Air date: 4/8/85

The Storyteller's having a story-telling session in Gobo's room, so Gobo decides that he wants to hear about Uncle Matt's first big journey. We see a flashback of little Matt- who's dressed like Gobo is now-with his Uncle Gobo, who thinks that his nephew Matt is annoying and clueless. Back then, Fraggles either ate mushrooms or Doozer constructions, but when the mushrooms run out, Uncle Gobo and Matt try to find some food. However, Matt causes a rock quake, and breaks Uncle Gobo's leg. So Matt goes off by himself to find food, and as he's wandering, a rock slide occurs, and when it's over, Matt finds a hole out into the Gorg's Garden. He goes out to explore, scares Ma and Pa Gorg, and brings back to the Rock a radish, which Matt thinks is a shiny red boulder, thus giving the Fraggles a new food source.


The Battle of Leaking Roof

Air date: 4/15/85

It's about to rain, and Ma wants Pa to fix the hole in the roof before it starts to pour. At the same time, Boober and Mokey are out getting radishes, and when Ma accidentally picks Boober up, he loses his hat. Boober's too afraid to go back out there, so Mokey goes out by herself to get the hat. Meanwhile, Ma's having a terrible time getting Pa to fix the roof, because he's too scared of heights. Will Pa get over his fear and fix the hole in the roof before the rainfall?


Playing Till It Hurts

Air date: 4/22/85

It's time for Rock Hockey, and Red's especially excited because her idol, Rock Hockey Hannah, is coming to watch her play. Her excitement's cut short, however, when she injures herself. She's still determined to play, and she escapes from her room to try it again, only to get even more hurt. But Red is becoming more and more stubborn; she doesn't want Hannah to think she's a wimp. So she decides to fool Feeny Fraggle and takes his place as goalie. But is playing the game to impress her hero worth the risk?


Bored Stiff

Air date: 4/29/85

Gobo's wanting to go with Wembley out to the Gorg's Garden on an expedition. But their trip is cut short when they meet Mokey, Boober and Red at the hole to the garden, and they tell the boys that the Gorgs are right outside. Gobo decides that he's gonna find out what's going on. Meanwhile, Ma and Pa are playing around Kissing Rock, and Junior finds a spray can that's marked "Boredom Juice", a chemical that, when sprayed, causes anyone or anything to become permanently bored. When Ma spots Gobo, Pa sprays the juice into the Fraggle hole, causing Wembley, Red and Mokey to be bored. Then he tells Junior to use the juice on any Fraggles that come out of Kissing Rock. But Junior doesn't want to, and dumps it all on a flower. Later he spots Gobo, and they work together to convince Junior's parents that the Boredom Juice shouldn't be used. But when they rehearse the plan, Junior accidentally falls near the flower he dumped the rest of the juice on, and actually becomes bored. Now, it's up to Gobo to save his friends, and Junior, to prove that Fraggles provide a service to the Gorgs, especially to Junior.


The Cavern of Lost Dreams

Air date: 5/6/85

When Cotterpin Doozer hears that Gobo is the bravest Fraggle in the Rock, she gets him to help her find the Cavern of Lost Dreams, which is where the original tower was built. When they get there, the remaining two Doozers, Yeaster and Crusty, don't want to come back. Will these two Doozers finally accept the changes that have occurred and move back to the Rock and help build once again?