Doug Inc.

Air date: 6/13/93

Doug wants to raise enough money to buy a new skateboard and sets up a lawn mowing enterprise to do so. Skeeter and the Sleech Twins join in, but they soon feel Doug is being unfair. Doug may raise the cash, but he risks losing his friends in the process.


Doug’s Nightmare on Jumbo St.

Air date: 6/13/93

Everyone in school is talking about the final scene in the latest horror movie, but Doug closed his eyes and missed the ending. After thinking that he's a chicken for not seeing the ending he finally gets up the courage to see the film again and realizes it is not only not scary, it's silly.


Doug’s Shock Therapy

Air date: 6/20/93

Mr. Bone is in the hospital and Doug unwillingly volunteers to take get well soon cards to him from Mrs. Wingo's class. But when Doug gets there, Mr. Bone thinks he's getting Doug's prized skateboard instead. What's more, the skateboard brings childhood memories to Mr. "T- Bone".


Doug is Hamburger Boy

Air date: 6/20/93

Mr. Dink volunteers Doug to dress up as the Big Honkerburger and talk to kids in costume at the Honker Burger for a week. Plus, he has to go to the Bluffington picnic with Patti and be the Big Honkerburger without telling anyone who he is. Doug's busy weekend will be something he'll have to handle all on his own.


Doug and the Yard of Doom

Air date: 6/27/93

Doug and Skeeter are playing with Patti's new Wacky-Wizzer frisbee and accidentally toss it into a fenced-in yard. Doug tries going in to get it back, but encounters a huge guard dog named Lady. Doug imagines how Race Canyon would get himself out of the mess.


Doug’s Garage Band

Air date: 6/27/93

Beebe gets Doug and Skeeter their first gig for their new band - but they have to let her join. Now, every time Doug wants to add something to the show he has to let in new members, and it seems they all just want to play the drums.


Doug’s Great Beet War

Air date: 7/11/93

When the Bluffington School float for the upcoming Beet parade goes missing, Doug is accused of helping the Moody School students steal it. So Doug and Porkchop must sneak into the Moody School to see for themselves.


Doug’s Magic Act

Air date: 7/11/93

Doug tries to impress Patti with a magic trick from his new magic set, but it backfires and they end up handcuffed together, without the key, for the entire afternoon. This does not sit well with Patti as it makes her miss planned activities. After many attempts to get the key, they realize the magic store owner may have a solution.