Doug and the Weird Kids

Air date: 5/16/93

For a project, Mrs. Wingo lets her students get to know each other more and Doug is paired with the two people no one else wants to be paired up with, the weird twins Al and Moo Sleech. When it's time for Doug to write his report, the Sleech twins have one already written up for him. But Doug knows he's going to have to visit the Sleech's to get his own facts.


Doug’s Behind the Wheel

Air date: 5/16/93

Judy is getting her license, and Doug tells Patti that she'll take them to the opening of an amusement park, Bumper Car Mania. But Judy fails her test when she can't parallel park, and Doug must help her pass any way he can so he can get that ride from Judy.


Doug’s New Teacher

Air date: 5/23/93

While Mrs. Wingo is away, a substitute named Ms. Newberry takes her place. But Doug makes a bad first impression which places him as the class troublemaker and Roger as the nice guy. So Doug tries everything to change Ms. Newberry's image of him.


Doug on First

Air date: 5/23/93

Doug and his friends are on the team Patti's Pulverizes, and they are on top when it comes to winning games. But all of the parents, including Doug's dad, think it's unfair that only Patti gets to pitch and they want their own kids to pitch. But after the parents have their way, they realize that it may not be a good idea.


Doug’s Cartoon

Air date: 3/30/93

Assistant Principle Bone shuts down the school newspaper because of Doug's unflattering cartoon of the school's least favorite lunch food, magic mystery meat. But all the other students love the cartoon, so they rally to get their newspaper back.


Doug’s Monster Movie

Air date: 3/30/93

Doug and Skeeter are having trouble finding a scary monster for their homemade video movie, until Mayor White creates a monster of his own with his "beautify Bluffington" campaign, which was inspired by Doug's mom Mrs. Funnie.


Doug’s Hot Property

Air date: 7/6/93

Some tough high schoolers offer to sell Doug the very rare first issue of the Man-O-Steel Man comic book, the one issue he is missing from his collection. That same issue turns out to be missing from Sully's comic book store and Doug feels guilty that he had bought Sully's stolen issue. However, when Mr. Sully lets only one customer into his shop at a time for security reasons, Doug decides to do what is right for everyone.


Doug & the Little Liar

Air date: 7/6/93

There's a new girl in town named Loretta Lequigly who says she is from Yakestonia and can speak the language. Loretta catches Skeeter's eye and Doug is convinced that Loretta is a liar, and Skeeter is believing everything she says. So Doug asks Fentruck to try to catch Loretta in a lie.