We are Not Alone

Air date: 5/2/93

Robbie tries to get his family to attend an environmental rally with him but everyone declines. Robbie is especially upset with Earl, who prefers to watch his favorite TV reality show about alien sightings. At work, Richfield, in an effort to fool the environmentalists who named WESAYSO a top corporate polluter, orders Roy and Earl to take home barrels of toxic waste and bury them in the Sinclair's backyard. While digging, Earl and Roy are visited by an "alien" (Robbie) who tells Earl that what he is doing is wrong. The "alien" also tells him that he has been chosen to spread the word to other dinosaurs that they must respect and care for the environment or else the planet will be vaporized. Earl immediately changes his ways and sets out to rally the masses to help clean up the environment. He even badmouthes WESAYSO and quits his job to devote all of his energies to his new mission. Robbie tries to point out to Earl that what he has done is of real value but Earl will have none of it and returns to his job and watching TV.

Charlene and Her Amazing Humans

Air date: 5/9/93

Feeling ignored by her family, Charlene becomes an instant celebrity after winning her school talent show with trained cavelings she found in the forest. Charlene gets an agent and is booked on a top variety show. Consumed by her new status and pushed by her agent, Charlene employs inhuman tactics to get her cavilings to perform dangerous tricks. On show night, Charlene realizes the error of her ways and, feeling guilty, she refuses to go on with the show and gives an impassioned speech about respect and family. Charlene's speech prompts Earl and Fran to realize their error in ignoring their daughter.


The Clip Show II

Air date: 7/2/93

Scenes from various episodes are interspersed with pitches by paleontologist Sir David Tushingham that try to lure customers into the glamorous, high-paying world of paleontology by getting them to buy the Famous Paleontologists' Home Study Course. In true infomercial style, there's a deal-a-dinosaur wheel and comic testimonials from satisfied customers.


Monster under the Bed

Air date: 6/1/94

Baby Sinclair complains of a monster under his bed, but the family doesn't believe him. One night while Fran and Earl are out, Charlene humors the baby by investigating his claim and is dragged into the monster's hole. Robbie and the Baby try to rescue Charlene, but they, too, are kidnapped. Just as they are about to be eaten, Robbie learns that the monster is angry at having his home built upon by the Sinclair's house. The whole crisis is resolved after the Baby suggests moving the house and the Sinclairs oblige.


Earl, Don't be a Hero

Air date: 6/8/94

Earl's accidental exposure to toxic waste transforms him into "Captain Impressive", a mysterious super hero committed to fighting crime and righting wrongs. Earl also sees his chance to outshine Captain Action Figure, Baby's current hero, by using his newly acquired superpowers against the forces of evil -- until B.P. Richfield discovers Earl's hidden talents. Determined to use "Captain Impressive" for WESAYSO's benefit, Richfield quickly changes Earl from Super Hero to Super Huckster. Faster than you can say "shoddy merchandise", Earl decides to hang up his tights and retire from his career as a crime fighter.


The Greatest Story Ever Sold

Air date: 6/22/94

The Council of Elders is convened to determine answers to the Great Question Of Life, and the answer is found to be Potatoism. Soon it's stake-and-potatoes for Robbie and Earl, when Robbie rejects the elders' wisdom and the duo is sentenced to be burned as infidels. But a gust of wind extinguishes the fire, and with it dies the people's belief in the message of The Great Potato.


Driving Miss Ethyl

Air date: 6/29/94

Fran forces Earl to drive Ethyl to her 60th year high-school reunion. During the drive, their normal fighting and bickering ensue. Once at the reunion, Ethyl discovers that she is the only person from her class still living. Earl senses Ethyl's hurt and softens toward her. The family is in shock once Earl and Ethyl return being polite to one another. Meanwhile, with Earl gone, Fran tries to gather the rest of the family for a family portrait, and they end up at each others' throats.


Earl's Big Jackpot

Air date: 7/6/94

When Earl is injured on the job and asks for a few days off, B.P. Richfield refuses and fires him instead. Robbie and Fran trick Earl into suing the WESAYSO Corporation for his $800 medical expenses. After a brief trial, Earl is ecstatic at the jury's award of $800 million. Earl begins to spend lavishly and behaves badly. Stung by the judgment and blaming Earl, Richfield announces massive layoffs and raises consumer prices. Earl doesn't see it that way and is happy with his new life, but finally he is forced to give back the money in order to return things to normal.


Terrible Twos

Air date: 7/13/94

Baby Sinclair enters the "terrible twos" and his behavior becomes horrendous, even defying belief as it reaches the standards of Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Desperate times require desperate measures, and the Sinclairs enlist the aid of "The Babysitter" to exorcise Baby's demons. When neither the exorcist nor doctors can cure the baby, Robbie hatches a plan for the family to fool Baby into believing he's three.


Changing Nature

Air date: 7/20/94

In the show's final episode, Earl causes the extinction of the Dinosaur species, when at the prodding of Richfield and the WESAYSO Corporation, he poisons all plant life. In an effort to bring the plants back, he blocks the sun from the planet, sending global temperatures below freezing. Earl realizes that his mistake was to put too much faith in progress and not have enough respect for nature.