Wilderness Weekend

Air date: 12/18/92

Traditional gender roles are reversed when Earl, Robbie and Roy go to the forest for a male-bonding ritual known as "The Great Hunt", but end up discovering their feminine qualities. Meanwhile, back at home, Fran and her girlfriends get drunk, watch sports, and generally act like men.


The Son Also Rises

Air date: 1/8/93

Fed up with Earl's continuous nagging, Robbie challenges him for the title of "Supreme Male" of the house. During their physical battle, Earl is caught off guard and Robbie emerges victorious. Robbie now assumes all the responsibilities that accompany his new position providing food and clothes for the family, maintain the house, pay the bills, etc. Earl, conversely, acts like a teenager since he has been relieved of his parental duties. When Robbie can't bear the pressure any longer, Fran steps in and forces Earl to become the head of the house again.


Getting to Know You

Air date: 1/15/93

After Earl throws her a disastrous birthday party, Charlene feels totally alienated from her whole family and signs up for a Species Exchange Program at school. She lives with a family of squawking, arrogant, annoying, bird-like creatures, and runs away. In exchange, the Sinclairs' get a teenaged version of this hideous species. Pushed to the edge, the Baby eats the exchange student. Earl creates a fake kid and returns it to the family, and then discovers that he's brought home a Charlene impostor. When the real Charlene returns, father and daughter make a pact to get to know one another better.


Green Card

Air date: 1/29/93

With the Pangaean economy suffering from a bad recession, Earl and Roy Hess lose their jobs. Meanwhile, the government blames its problems on all four-legged creatures in an effort to shift the blame away from them. Immediately, anti-four-legger legislation is passed, causing Monica to also be fired and lose her home. Roy marries Monica to allow her to stay on the right side of the swamp. Earl protests the marriage and breaks his friendship with Roy for colluding with the enemy. After a major accident in which a four-legger saves his life, Earl repents for his bigoted ways and welcomes Roy back into his life. Public sentiment echoes Earl's attitude when the anti-four legged laws are repealed allowing Monica to resume her normal life without Roy.


Out of the Frying Pan

Air date: 2/5/93

Baby Sinclair becomes an overnight sensation hawking frying pans in a commercial. Both he and Fran get caught up in the glamour of show business - riding in limos, going on talk shows, and generally developing "bad" attitudes while neglecting the rest of the family. Earl confronts Fran, who realizes her mistakes, retreats from the "business" and returns the Sinclair home back to normal.


Steroids to Heaven

Air date: 2/12/93

Deciding that girls date only jocks, Robbie decides to get "buff." Earl puts Robbie on an exercise program, but when that fails to bring the desired results, Robbie turns to eating Thornoids, insult-spewing creatures that instantaneously add lots of muscle and bulk to his frame. Impressed with his new physique, Robbie cops a new attitude, bullies his family and friends, and gets a date with his dream girl. Robbie learns his lesson after his date rejects his aggressive behavior and tells him she has always liked him the way he was before.


Honey, I Miss the Kids

Air date: 2/19/93

Fran, feeling inadequate as a housewife, decides to get a volunteer job. Earl is opposed to the idea but acquiesces when he takes Roy's advice to manipulate Fran into believing he is supportive of her by offering to work the night shift. Earl will stay home during the day with the kids, and hopefully Fran will miss the kids so much she'll quit her job. However, the plan backfires when Fran returns home and announces that she is going to work full time. Horrified at the thought of staying home with the kids, Earl again takes Roy's advice to bond with his kids believing Fran will get jealous at being replaced and return home. Again, Fran reacts the opposite way and causes Earl to inadvertently reveal his failed plans. Initially angry, Fran empathizes with Earl and agrees to a compromise that allows Earl to return to the day shift while she cuts back on her wok hours.


Swamp Music

Air date: 2/26/93

Spike, who can't stand Robbie's choice of music, decides to expose Robbie to a whole different world and different style of music by taking him to the Swamp Shack. The swamp and this club are home to blue-hued mammals who have been restricted from contact with dinosaurs and lead difficult, depressing lives. Initially fearful of this different species, Robbie is completely taken with this new music and band members Howlin' Jay and his son, Sonny. Robbie plans to bring this new sound to the dinosaurs, who he believes will go crazy for it. Howlin' Jay is reluctant due to his previous contact with dinosaurs but Robbie and Sonny take a demo of their music to the head of Volcanic Records. The executive isn't interested in the music but changes his mind after listening to the tape and signs Howlin' Jay and his band to a loophole filled deal allowing the record company to steal the songs and style of the swamp and have them re-recorded by mainstream dinosaur singers and reap the profits. Robbie has to break the news to Howlin' Jay that they have been ripped off again by dinosaurs. Instead of being angry, Howlin' Jay decides to start his own record label created for and run by mammals.


Dirty Dancin'

Air date: 3/12/93

Having reached that awkward age where adolescent male dinosaurs find themselves breaking into the mating dance spontaneously and uncontrollably, Fran's open attempts at sexual education drive a confused and embarrassed Robbie to the Best Little Dancehouse in Pangaea, where he discovers what he really needs isn't a quick "dancing lesson" with a stranger, but a talk with his equally uncomfortable father, Earl.


If You Were a Tree

Air date: 4/18/93

It's story time for the Baby, and Grandma Ethyl reads him a tale about a dinosaur who is pushing down trees when a thunderstorm approaches. Just as he is about to push down a large tree, lightning simultaneously strikes him and the tree causing them to exchange souls. The Tree is excited to learn it has become a dinosaur, able to move freely. In the Sinclair home, the Tree, as Earl, is thoughtful and kind causing confusion amongst his family. Meanwhile, the real Earl is besides himself being stuck in a Tree's body with a pesky bird and animal living in him. The Tree, as Earl, confronts B.P. Richfield about the ruination of the Earth and Richfield commits him to a mental institution. This, coupled with the daily hardships of dinosaur life, causes the Tree to return to the forest. During this time, Earl is in a race to save the creature living in him because he is marked for clearing. Both realize they have to return to their original forms and unite in trying to save the forest.