The Boy with the Answer

Air date: 5/13/10

The Jeffersonian team and prosecutor Caroline Julian work to convict Heather Taffet aka the Gravedigger (Deirdre Lovejoy) during her trial who is defending herself. Brennan, Booth, and Hodgins are forced to drop their own charges against Taffet once they discover the missing remains of a young boy that was killed by the Gravedigger, so they could work and testify against Taffet. Believing Taffet will not get convicted, Brennan's father Max tries to kill her with a sniper rifle, but Booth is able to stop him and Max is put in jail until the trial is over. After several attempts of finding evidence that Taffet is able to successfully argue against, Hodgins discover a dust mite from the boy's mouth that contains the DNA of Taffet when he bit her. This evidence proves successful as the jury convicts Taffet of kidnapping and murder, but Taffet warns Brennan "that it's not over".


The Beginning in the End

Air date: 5/20/10

The team investigate the remains of a hoarder whose body fell through the floor to another apartment when it collapsed due to major termite damage. They must sift through all his belongings to try and determine the cause of death. Hodgins is asked a favor from Angela's father to try and steal back a car he lost at a card game, although it just turns out to be a test to see if he would do it. Daisy is accepted to go to the Maluku Islands to study a full set of interspecies hominid remains that could be a crucial link in the evolutionary chain. She and Sweets discuss if he should go with her, as she will be gone for a year, but Sweets stays and they say their goodbyes at the airport. Brennan is also accepted to take part in the project, but is unsure if she wants to leave. Booth is contacted by the Army to return as a Sergeant Major to train soldiers in apprehending insurgents, but also is unsure if he wants to go. Later, the Jeffersonian team makes decisions that will have them apart for a year: Angela and Hodgins travel to Paris; Brennan and Daisy go to the Maluku Islands; and Booth goes to Afghanistan to train soldiers.