Comic Relief

Air date: 12/10/97

David helps out a distressed teen at his new job while things get a little flirty with the new hires at Beverly Beat. Valerie convinces David to act like they’re a couple to make Noah and Donna jealous. Steve reveals a secret about his comedy act to Carly.


Santa Knows

Air date: 12/17/97

Kelly considers outing a doctor for sexual harassment and Steve sets out to prove Santa Claus’ existence to Carly’s doubtful son. After Emma refuses to back down, Brandon gives in and spends the night with her.


Ready or Not

Air date: 1/7/98

Dr. Monahan threatens Kelly after she makes sexual harassment charges against him. Meanwhile, Brandon is desperately trying to hide his Christmas fling with Emma. Carly and her son, Zach, move in with Donna.


Illegal Tender

Air date: 1/14/98

Kelly discovers Brandon’s unfaithfulness. Valerie’s greedy antics end with her and Noah being arrested in a police raid for illegal gambling. Carly loses Zach at the mall.


The Elephant’s Father

Air date: 1/21/98

Carly is stricken with bad news, causing her and Zach to move back to Montana. Valerie interferes with Brandon and Kelly’s relationship, while David covers a troubled band for a story.