Air date: 12/23/92
Eddie Kaye Thomas of American Pie fame stars in an early role as a boy receives a camera that predicts misfortune for anything and anyone photographed by it.
The Dream Girl
Air date: 12/30/92
A teen named Johnny discovers a ring and after putting it on, begins seeing a girl that he falls in love with. He soon learns though she died in a car accident.
The Quick Silver
Air date: 1/6/93
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star Tatyana Ali guest stars in a story about two boys haunted by an evil spirit and a girl who died trying to ward him off.
The Crimson Clown
Air date: 1/13/93
A young bratty boy learns a lesson when an evil clown doll comes to life and starts to terrorize him.
The Dangerous Soup
Air date: 1/20/93
Dr. Vink is back and running The Wild Boar, a restaurant where a demon harvests the fear from their employees, as the main ingredient for a popular dish.