Archie Gives Blood

Air date: 2/2/71

Archie tries to chicken out of going to the blood bank with Mike, saying he doesn’t want to give blood without knowing who it’s going to; what if his blood ends up in a radical who’s been shot? When he does make his donation, he acts like it was nothing – until he sees the blood and faints!


Gloria’s Pregnancy

Air date: 2/16/71

For once Archie and his son-in-law agree on something: that Mike and Gloria are not ready for her unexpected pregnancy. Mike decides to quit college, get a job and get an apartment anyway, but just before they make their big move, the hand of fate knocks them back.


Mike’s Hippie Friends Come to Visit

Air date: 2/23/71

Mike forgets to tell Archie that he’s invited his friends Paul and Robin to spend the night. Paul is no longer the clean-cut young man he remembers, so Archie refuses to let the unmarried couple stay. They’ll be so peace and no love in Archie’s Christian house tonight!


Lionel Moves into the Neighborhood

Air date: 3/2/71

There goes the neighborhood! Archie’s glad to see his neighbor move, but he’s not prepared for the first black family in his neighborhood. He attempts to enlist Lionel’s help in persuading the new neighbors to sell the house, but there’s one problem: it’s Lionel’s family who bought the house.