Air date: 3/12/07
With Jack trapped inside the Russian consulate, former president Logan reaches out to his ex-wife in hope that she will talk to their old friend, Russian president Suvarov.
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Air date: 3/19/07
CTU uncovers a leak within their own organization while trying to locate an unnamed drone armed with one of the stolen nukes, and Jack learns devastating news about Audrey Raines.
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Air date: 3/26/07
Karen Hayes and Sandra Palmer risk bringing President Palmer out of his coma in order to prevent Vice President Daniels from launching a nuclear strike against Fayed’s home country.
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Air date: 4/2/07
As Jack uses Grendenko to locate Fayed, President Palmer retains control at the White House only to announce a shocking decision concerning the nuclear strike against the Middle East.